Thursday 11 November 2021

Right In Time For Black Friday! The All New Sinkable Rug Will Have Your Guest Buzzing For Hours

Rug with an optical illusion under an armchair
Mind-blowing VORTEX Hole- Vortex Appearance Rug creates the illusion of plunging into a black hole with a black and white plaid design. Surprise your guests and friends with this amazing 3D Illusion Rug that will wow them. Imagine finding a vortex hole on the floor of your kitchen, bedroom, dining room, or living room! Don't overlook your visitors' surprised expressions, and you'll leave a lasting impression.
optical illusions







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issed Tammy and the thought of her sister made her angry. She didnt like thinking of her as she didnt want to confront the feelings her loss made her feel.

Tammy had raven black hair and striking hazel eyes. She had freckles that only enhanced her look. Although Tammy hated her freckles. With a model body Tammy was the complete package however she couldn't see it.

The image of Tammy became so vivid in Lucy's mind it dropped her, she fell to the ground. She could not hold back her tears anymore, while on all fours she started sobbing for her lost sister. Lucy was great at ignoring her problems but not so good at dealing with them.

No matter how much the pair fought she loved her sister, she missed her so much however would not allow herself to think about her as it was too painful.

Today was different as it was the anniversary of Tammy going missing.

As Lucy walked down the loney road to home, she kicked a rock which reminded her of her sister, Tammy. Tammy hated her kicking rocks and would get up her everytime however the arguement that ensued past the time on their walk home from school. So Lucy always kicked rocks.

She mOne year ago was a day like any other. The girls normally walked home together but after an arguement on the bus, Tammy got off the bus a stop too soon. She was never seen again.

Lucys life changed from normal and happy to strange and sad. Her mum dived into her work now and was barely home, leaving the 14 year old on her own most of the time. Lucy often felt it was all her fault. Did her mum think that too?

Worry and saddness turned to anger again. Where was Tammy? What happened? Will she see her again? Why was life so cruel?

Thoughts she tried so hard to forget came flooding in and Lucy became shaky dropping in to a ball. She didnt care the rocks were digging into her, she didnt care she was curled up on the road in public. Nothing mattered but wreching pain that striked threw her heart. It was a pain she thought could kill her.

As she released all that hidden emotion she began to slowly stop shaking. Her tears ran out and she started to come out of this momentary lapse of self control.

Her mind cleared and she got up, dusting the pebbles off her olive skin. She now felt a new feeling, drive. She would find Tammy and she wouldnt stop until she had her sister back!

First step she needed to go to the stop where her sister was last seen. So instead of going home she headed back to the bus stop. She would not let herself feel that way again and she sped up to almost a run.


The bus ride felt like it was in slow motion. The stop Tammy got off at was only a five minute ride but today it felt like it went on for at least an hour. This annoyed Lucy as sitting still made the thoughts come back. Pushing them back was getting harder and harder.

Getting off Lucy froze. 'What could she do now,' she thought. 'Think like an angry 15 year old,' was her next thought, followed by, 'What would Tammy do?'

Looking around her for inspiration. She sore a playground across the road. Teens still use them but just not the same way as a child but maybe she just decided to walk home. So Lucy decided to look around the playground, then investigate the walk home.

Nothing jumped out at her as she looked around the playground however at the back of the large area she noticed an old shabby house. Kids n teens alike love exploring maybe Tammy sore this scary looking house too.

Its worth investgating. Anything is better then feeling. So she made her way towards the eerie wood building. The small struction gave her goosebumps. She was scared but she needed her sister more. So she went up to the door and opened the creaky door.

The smell of pee and something tangy hit her nose. She noticed a sleeping bag and tins of food. Someone must be squatting here, she would have to be quick.

She existed the lounge a into an old kitchen and dining room where she she looked threw the yucky carboards. Nothing, she found nothing. There were stairs heading down to what must be a basement. Thats rare in Australia.

She switched on the light on her phone and slowly Lucy decended. Each step creaked. Lucys heart pumped as fear washed over her. At the bottom there was a large empty room and it felt bigger then the small home. It smelled like sitting water.

Lucy noticed a metal door which she thought was odd since the building was wood. Lucy slowly walked towards the door. She tried to open it but it was locked. In defeat she turned to walk away but she stopped. Slowly she turned. She needed in that door. Every part of her instincts told her she had to see behind the door but how?

Mum, she needed her mum and police. They can get behind the door. At that moment she heard footsteps. She quickly ran towards the stairs and hid under them. Hoping who ever it was would not notice.

She turned off the light as she heard the unknown start decending the steps. What appeared to be a rather tall man headed towards the door. He had opened a little latched and keyed in a pin. Lucy hadnt noticed that latch before. The door opened and a bright light shone threw.

Did Lucy a 14 year old girl find her sister when no one else could. She needed to know. Needing help Lucy texted her mum.

'I went looking for Tammy. I think i found her. Bring police to the abandoned wood building at the back of playground in front of the bus stop. Im under the stairs in the BASEMENT. Hiding from men, hurry.'

She forgot to put it on silent. Instead of doing as instructed her mum frantically rang. The phone rang loud and echoed in the space. Lucy quickly tried to stop the noise but fumbled the phone.

It was too late though and the tall men came out of the metal door. Spotting her straight away. Lucy heart quickened, staring dead ahead at him, noticing he was bald. He said nothing but began walking toward her.

Lucy decided running was the best option and she took off. Her shaky body fell and as she pushed up she felt a large hand grab her. She let an high pitched squeal as he picked her up.

Dragging her towards the door as Lucy fought with all her might to get away.

"If anyone ever grabs you, scream loud and go limp". Her mums words echoed threw her head as if she was right next to her. So she went limp. Taking the bald man by surprise. He stumbled and lilly started kicking and punch whatever she could.

He held onto to her. Not saying a word he grabbed the doors edge to get a grip. Lucy fought with all her might but she was nearly the door. Screaming in terror as he finally got her threw the door.


Lucys mum was a beauty for her age, but like Tammy she could not see it. She had rung the police and was frantically heading towards where her baby girl said to go. She hadnt answered her phone. 'Why hadnt she answered,' the worried mum thought.

Her heart skipped a beat as she finally sore the playground. She could see police cars, lights blazing all around It look chaotic. Tears fell as she worried for her last child. She couldnt deal with the loss of another.

As she pulled up, she put the handbrake on but didnt turn the car off. Instead she ran towards the commotion. When she got to them she just froze in disbelief.

"Oh my god," she whispered as she looked at Lucy and then over to Tammy, "how?"

The two girls ran over to their mum giving her a big much needed hug..

Lucy had found Tammy. Their family was whole again.


Let's start off plain and simple, I am Nacole and I am adopted. I have a great family now but my family that gave me up was a different story. My biological mother was a drug addict, alcoholic, and for some time was in prison due to some poor choices she had made in the past that came back to haunt her. To tell you the truth I don't think anyone knew who my biological father was, he didn't come to the hospital when I was born and from what I know he wasn't super involved with my biological mother and her family. Besides all that when my biological mother came to the hospital the only person that came with her was my biological grandmother, they brought diapers and other things for my family now because they were very aware that they were new to the whole parenting thing and they needed a little help in some areas.

My whole life I have been with my family now and I'm pretty sure I told my parents that I was adopted when I was about three years old, granted that had read me books about adoption since I was born but I was never told to my face that I was adopted from birth. I have always annoyed my parents with questions about my mother asking what she looked like, what she sounded like and the two big questions that are quite common among adopted kids, why didn't she love me enough to keep me and can I meet her. I had always gotten very bland answers out of them such as, ?She looked just like you!?, ?She loved you very much?, and the one I have heard a thousand times over ?She couldn't give you the life both she and I believe you deserve.?, all infuriating answers to the young and very curious mind of my younger self.

As I grew older I would plan my eighteenth birthday with my best friend Chelsea. My parents said I could look for my biological family when I turned eighteen but until then I was still too young to know who they were. Over the years Chelsea and I would go through thousands of ideas but we finally landed on our favorite, a scavenger hunt on my eighteenth birthday for my biological family with all of our friends I practically counted down the days until I could meet my family and every year it got closer and closer and to me became more of a reality every time I wished on my birthday candles and blew them out with the strongest hope a teenage girl could muster up with all of her being. I was at wits end, I wished on stars, stayed up ?till 11:11 most nights and oh boy you can bet I prayed to God and the heavens above day in and day out, I just had to know where I came from, who I looked like and why I wasn't wanted.

Finally after years of wishing and waiting the day had arrived, the day I had waited to happen for so long, the day that was going to change my entire life. I remember it like it was yesterday, July 9, 2024, my eighteenth birthday. I stayed up the whole night before with all of my friends talking about the day to come and what it was going to be like. That morning we all got ready and we were out of the house by five o' clock in the morning driving straight to the courthouse. With the papers and documents we had collected we had a pretty good stack to go through even with me adding on the very little hard evidence that she had left me the day I was born, it was only a poem but it made me tear up every time I read it from the time I was little. I sat on the park bench where we decided to continue our research with a poem in my hands titled ?Different Kinds of Love? by John Trapani. I have read it a thousand times and somehow it still manages to make me tear up.

We filed through the papers for hours on end learning more and more with every page. Through all of the tears and shock we found her name, address, and a telephone number. I called the phone number and a woman picked up, she sounded around 45 years old and had a voice that I had never heard before but for some reason it just felt right, like a home I had never been to but was meant to be in. ?Hello?? my mother said, all these years I thought I would just ramble on for days and talk for hours but all of the sudden there were no stories, no words, nothing I could say that could explain the relief and gratefulness that I had for her picking up the phone. Without warning I burst into tears as all my friends gathered around me listening to the conversation on speaker phone. Again she said ?Hello? Who's there??, through the sobs I managed to ask her a few questions, I asked her if she had given a child up at birth in July of 2006, with no surprise she said ?yes? I did.?, every word ment the world to me and all of the sudden the only word I could say was ?Mom!?. Almost as if my words were a knife cutting the tension over the phone I heard a gasp and then the water works came, there were a few seconds of silence as we both sobbed in relief and pure love. I couldn't tell her fast enough that my friends and I were coming over right that second and with no hesitation or resistance she said ?ok, drive safe but get here quick!?. We hung up the phone and got in the car, the seconds seemed to pass like hours, we could not drive fast enough. All of our hearts were racing and our minds going thousands of miles per hour. 

After what seemed like an eternity we finally pulled up to a house just outside of Jackson California. It was a Victorian style house with a beautiful yellow color to it and the cleanest white shutters I had ever seen. With all of the anxiety and pressure of the world on my shoulders my friends and I walked through the small iron gate and on to the luscious green lawn. We raced up onto the porch and before we even knocked on the door a woman who resembled me almost exactly opened the door with tears streaming down her face and what you could describe as a long lost mothers glow to her perfect face. As if we were magnets that had been pulling their whole lives we piled into each others arms and just stayed there, it was where I belonged, where I was meant to be.

The rest of the week was us visiting, telling stories, answering questions and introducing the rest of the family to each other. My aunt and grandparents were so excited to meet me, I even had first cousins which was new to me after being an only child my whole life. I had three older siblings, two of them being brothers and one sister, I was the youngest, my mom got her tubes tied after she gave birth to me. My family that adopted me were so open to meeting them, I couldn't have asked for a better reunion of my two families, one being the one I came from and the one that made me into who I am today. This was the reunion of two families and groups of friends that shared one common thing, the love for a baby that was given the life she deserved thanks to two amazing families that are now one.


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