Thursday 11 November 2021

C.D.C Reccomneds Using The All New Blood Pressure Cuff- Get Results Right Away!

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It is important to keep your heart healthy.

But you need the right tools to check on it.

The Blood Pressure Cuff is here to help keep your heart in check. This easy-to-use device will analyze your blood pressure and detect irregularities in your heart rate, informing you of any possible risks for health or heart disease.

Simple but Effective

The Blood Pressure Cuff is designed with to be easy to use and understand, eliminating the hassle of checking your blood pressure

step one

STEP 1: Strap the cuff to your forearm.

step one

STEP 2: Wait three minutes.

step one

STEP 3: See results.

After about three minutes, the screen on the blood pressure monitor will display your results. See DIA for your DIASTOLIC or SYS for your SYSTOLIC blood pressure.


Nevertheless, many view the country's hardliners as rising in power - even as the US under President Joe Biden tries to find a way to re-enter the atomic accord.



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As I lie in bed, surrounded by darkness, I clamp his hand, I can't see him, but I can feel his padded hands, his soft silky fur, his hard button eyes. I never feel safe without Paddy, he is my dark defender.

Everynight, we lie together in my bed, with the duvet pulled up to our chins. It's completely dark, except for the crack from the door being pushed to instead of closed, and my array of stars on the ceiling. They've started to peel, but that's because I've had them since I was two, and I'm seven now.

I used to imagine that we were up there, in space, among the stars, me and Paddy, in our rocket, which was red, and stripey. We met aliens, and fought the bad ones. We always won because Paddy turned into a big bear, like the one from ?We're Going on a Bear Hunt.' I had a sword, with jewels up one side. That was red as well; everything was red back then. Now I like blue and purple.

Now, I lie in bed, still with Paddy, because I'll never be able to sleep without him, even when I'm all grown up. We still go on adventures, but now they're even better and sometimes scary or dangerous.

I love to visit the BFG. I can see all his dreams, and choose the best ones for me and Paddy. My favourite ones are the ones where I have a mum, because mine died ages ago. I don't remember her, but Paddy does, because she gave me Paddy, and he whispers things about her to me. He says she was kind and pretty and funny. She had a lovely smile, and a laugh that was contagious. I must have loved her when I knew her, but I don't know her now. I don't even remember her now. And how can you miss someone you don't know?

I asked dad that, but he just smiled, sadly. He remembers her, and he tells me a lot of stories about her. He's created a picture of her inside my head- him and Paddy both. They love her. I think I do too.

On different nights, sometimes Paddy and I go to the jungle and meet with Mowgli and Baloo. I love all the animals, except Sher Khan: he can be scary. Paddy enjoys going here, because he is really good friends with Baloo. They eat a lot of honey together!

On some nights, we don't go anywhere. We listen to the unseen terrors, right here in my dark, dark bedroom. They loom up against the wall, turning into monsters, whole hordes of them, creeping towards me, slowly, so slowly I almost don't see, but I know they're coming. 

They're always coming.

Paddy knows too.

Dad doesn't know. If he did, he'd be here, with me, helping defend my bed. But he's not, he never is. 

He's always downstairs, arguing with her.


Step-mother Kyla.

She wants me to call her mum, but I don't want to. She's not my mum, never will be. If I don't, she shouts. Loudly. So I do. After all, it's just a name. Right?

Every night I'm not travelling, I hear them. 

It varies how it starts. Kind of. Kyla will drink.

They think I'm not old enough to understand, and they're right I shouldn't. But, I do and I wish I didn't. I know drinking's bad. I'm never going to drink, never. 

Dad doesn't.

Mum didn't. 

But Kyla does. 

It always starts like that, but after that it varies. Sometimes, she will be happy and nice, giving me chocolate and letting me stay up. Her and dad will joke around and we'll all laugh and be happy. It's rare but it does happen.

Other nights, she leaves for hours and hours and hours. It's long past my bedtime and probably long past hers before she comes home. Drunk. Once so drunk, she tripped over and broke mum's china vase. Dad shouted at her for that. I've got a piece in my bedroom, under my pillow. Dad doesn't know otherwise he would take it off me, in case it hurts me.

The most frequent outcome is she shouts. At me. At dad. At herself. As long as she shouts, she's okay, but we're not, me and Paddy and dad.

That's what's happened tonight. Kyla's shouting at dad. She's not stopping. She won't stop. I hug Paddy to my chest and hope. I don't know what I'm hoping for. Maybe for them to calm down, maybe for Kyla to leave.

Maybe for mum to come back, even though I know she never will.

She's my mum, not Kyla.

Quietly, I get up. I need to close the door, need to block out their shouting. I know exactly which floorboards creak and groan, which ones are slippery, which one's have toys on, because I've done this so many times. I don't know why I don't just close the door when I go to bed. It would be so much easier. I guess I'm just hoping it's going to stop.

But I know it won't.

When I'm back in bed, with the cover once again up to my chin, I close my eyes. I close Paddy's eyes, and pull him close. To my ear.

I need to hear his voice, which I know isn't real, real like the voices downstairs, but I love to hear it anyway. He whispers how we just have to wait, wait until I'm older and Kyla can't tell me what to do, wait for her to leave. He tells me that we will be okay, just think of the future, think of dad, think of mum and her smile, the one which tells you that everything will be okay. Think, don't listen. Think, and imagine. Because he will always be there with me, through every night and every argument. 

Together, Paddy, we can do anything.


One day, I'll be bigger.


I was looking at the stars, thinking about you. I wanted to go home to you but I couldn't, I was too far from you I wanted the best but I didn't know that the best comes with sacrifices. I felt the galaxy in between us. The galaxy was full of feeling and its' stars were telling me that somebody missed me, but the stars didn't let me know who that was. There was something about you that made me want to break that galaxy.


Now, let me explain to you what happened 

I am George, George Arsons. In 1999, my boss wanted to talk with me, and he started the conversation with- ?It is finally happening George...?. At first, I didn't understand what happened and why he said that when he continued with this sentence- ?Do you want to go to the Moon??. I couldn't believe that! I wanted to go to the Moon for more than 20 years, so I replied that I wanted that but I had to ask my wife before giving him an answer. I was thinking all day about how I was going to tell her that I wanted to go to the Moon for 7 months. She was hat kind of wife that would pack me lunch before I was going to work, but this time, I wasn't so sure if she was going to let me do it. She was watching tv when I told her about my long trip to the Moon. We talked the whole night, and we both agreed that I should go to the Moon.


After I told her, I started to make some tests to see if I was able to go to the Moon. Three weeks passed and I had passed all my tests, and everything was perfect but I could see that my wife was worried about me leaving her, and going to such a dangerous place.


On the 8th of July 1999, the rocket that was going to get me there was ready to leave, on the same day I and Jules married. A lot of people were excited for me and my friend Mike to go on the Moon. 


When I finally got into space, I was about to have a heart attack. The view was that beautiful that I thought I was dreaming. The stars, the Earth, everything was exactly how I imagined it to be. Well, Mike, was still shocked about what was happening at that moment. 


After a month, I felt like I was home. I got used to all the things that annoyed me, like, washing my hair with dry shampoo and the water flying, eating potatoes and salad every day because those were the only things, I could have eaten, but what I couldn't get used to was spending time without Jules. One day, I heard the special cell phone that people that were in space could receive or send calls from space. It was Jules. 

-Hey honey! What are you doing? She spoke 

-I am okay, what about you? 

-We are fine. Jules replied leaving me confused 


-I am pregnant George! Jules answered  

I felt an angel near me when she said that she was pregnant We had tried to have a baby for years, and when we finally made it, I had to stay 356.578 kilometers from her.  

-I can't believe it! I am going to be a dad! I am so happy!  

-I knew you were going to say that, I am sad that you aren't going to be here, next to me... Jules said  

-I know but I am going to come back, I promise! I said trying to make her feel better 

-I hope so! Jules said 

-I have to go now. Keep my baby safe, please! I replied proudly 

-Of course! Bye!  


That was the moment when I started regretting it. If I knew I was going to become a dad that soon, I wouldn't have gone on this trip.  

The third month, I finally walked on the Moon! I was proud of myself for the first time! I felt amazing until something terrible happened. The rocket that got me there broke and I had to wait until my team would send another one, but it takes a lot of time to send a rocket to the Moon But the worst thing was that I was running out of air too, and Mike was already having problems breathing. The rocket that was broken had enough oxygen for me and for Mike but it wasn't enough because we had to wait a month and a half for the other rocket to come with oxygen and food. Food wasn't such a big problem but oxygen really was. 


In the fifth month, the new rocket F650 didn't come because it got lost. Mike was scared, he had two daughters at home too, and he wanted to survive. I didn't tell my wife about the problems I had because I didn't want her to worry. I and Mike had to go to find the F650 rocket, that had landed far from where I and Mike were staying, but while we were finding it, an avalanche of meteorites hit Mike. He ended up unconscious. I couldn't let him die like that so I gave him my bottle of oxygen, he was breathing but he wasn't far from death either. I took him on a small planet that was near us, but before I did it, he was no longer breathing. I disconnected the bottle of oxygen and then connected it to my costume. The bottle was almost empty, and I was running out of air very quickly. I still remember my wife's voice when I called her, to tell her that I love her and that I wasn't going to come home. I heard that she cried and that she was crying while I was talking to her. Before I closed my eyes, I was thinking about the baby and the amazing family that I had and how much I love them 


Four years after, I completely forgot about everything because I ended up losing my memory but something made me feel like somebody was still waiting for me. Somebody out there was thinking about me and loving me. I found the rocket that was broken and I tried to find oxygen in it, but instead, I found a lot of photos, videos, and voice recordings of me talking with Mike, my team, and Jules. Videos of Jules buying clothes for my daughter. Those memories made me remember everything, every single moment I have gone thru since I was born when the cell phone started ringing. There was Nia. She was the one who was able to find rockets in space and she told me that she thought that I was dead but guess what, I wasn't! Nia told me that she would send a special rescue rocket and that it would land tomorrow where the rocket I was in the back then was.  


When the rescue team took me to their rocket, they were completely amazed how I survived four years without oxygen, well, I explained to them that I found 10 bottles of oxygen in the back of the rocket and that I found some potatoes left, so I had food, oxygen, and water left in the back of the rocket in case we were out of them before coming home. Mike was dead. The rescue team found him but there was nothing left to do to make him come back. 


I will never forget the moment that I finally landed on the ground, walking on the cement. There was my wife with a girl that was my daughter. When I hugged them, I felt that they were that somebody that was still waiting for me. I saw my house, that remembered the beautiful memories I had. My daughter had my eyes but she had her mother's face.  


Now, after 10 years, I can say that even if you are in space, all alone, there will always be somebody that is loving you even if they were on another planet than you.  

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