Friday 5 November 2021

Finally, Warming Any Room Without Using A Thermostat- And Save 50 Percent With Shipping Waived

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plugin heater in room
plugin heater

Are Working with a small space?

Is it an apartment, an office, or a studio space? The HotStreak Heater is there for you. Install it almost anywhere, choose your temperature, and if the room drops below that, the heater will automatically start providing a continual flow of warm air. It also includes a 12-hour timer, so you can set it and get back to doing what you love.



Maxwell and Steiger Professional Tech Group

475 Wagon Train Road, Mcrae, AR 72102-9006.

End Communication












I had been here before, a long time ago.


Back then I was just a stupid kid, not really understanding the magnitude of where I was or the opportunity presented before me. Not many people have the chance to travel to another country, to take in a new culture. Fewer people still would abuse that gift and taint it. And that?s just what I did.


Stepping foot off the plane, I took my first step into this beautiful oasis. I didn?t know then that I?d meet the person that I thought would be the one. I didn?t know that he would break my heart, shatter it and taking a piece with him. He made sure it would never be whole again.


He was charming, handsome, and so easygoing it was contagious. He was to be our small group?s liaison, our tour guide through our short stay on the islands.


But like most girls with a crush, I wasn?t satisfied with just that. I needed more, wanted more, and I?d be damned if I didn?t get it. All it took was one late night walk along the beach, toes gently caressed by the water as it cascaded over the shoreline. It wasn?t unusual for me to take midnight strolls in this presumed paradise, but it was the first time that I laid my eyes on him outside of a professional setting. Clearly he had the same idea that I had. But not.


Waves broke around his form as he swam leisurely near the shore. Water glittered off his chest in the moonlight, like little diamonds, and I was mesmerized. I knew there was more underneath his plain blue button-ups he seemed to wear every day. Tan skin dipped below the water, and as my eyes tried to follow down into the dark depths, I noticed him looking back at me, a knowing smirk on his lips.


?See something you like??


It was so cliche and expected, but it still took me by surprise. My jaw hung open like the fish feet away from me


?I didn?t mean to stare,? I said as I turned to walk away.


?Why don?t you join me?? he asked. I turned back and he was slowly making his way toward me and it became clear that this was an offer for more than just a midnight swim.


Heat rose to my cheeks as I tried my best to keep my eyes focused on his face. If they ventured any lower and I knew I?d be in trouble. In moments he was standing before me, completely unashamed of his body. And rightfully so. He was perfect in every sense of the word.


My voice failed me, and he took my hand, guiding me back into the water. As the waved soaked through my clothes, he shed them one layer at a time until I was like him, naked as the day I was born. I felt enraptured by his gaze, paying no attention to my clothes that were slowly sinking to the sandy ocean floor as the water weighed them down.


* * *


That is still one of the most magical nights of my life, even though I?ve tried to move on from that time in my young adult life. Those two weeks spent with that man changed me. I used to be so carefree and would wear my heart on my sleeve. I trusted people implicitly, regardless if I had just met them. I didn?t have a rough childhood, and even though I wasn?t spoiled or super wealthy, I was blessed with a stable, loving home life that taught me the value of a dollar and hard work.


It took one trip after I graduated from college to strip me of my ability to love easily and aggressively, to believe that you couldn?t have it all, no matter how hard you worked.


I knew that it would only be a fling with him, but I had grown to care for him in ways I couldn?t have imagines were possible. As we drove with our group back to the airport, we made a promise to each other, that we would come back two years from then and reconnect. He told me that he?d be faithful to me, that he knew I needed those years to build myself up in the career of my choice. It seemed he wanted me to live my life, to make sure it was what I wanted, but all I wanted was him by my side.


Two years to the day, I showed up on the island, on the same beach where we spent our first night together, and when I saw the sun coming up, beautiful shades of orange and pink lighting up the sky, I thought maybe he forgot, that maybe he was just late. I returned every night for a week, and when he didn?t show, I felt myself crumble on the inside. I didn?t want to give him the satisfaction of my suffering.


It was a joke. All of it, our entire short-lived relationship.


That was four years ago, and while returning here to this place seems to hurt me more every time, shoving that knife deeper into my abused heart, I can?t seem to give up the hope that maybe one of these times he?ll return to me. I want my life to be like a movie. I want him to show up unexpectedly and sweep me on my feet, but my hope of that happening grows smaller as the years pass before me.


I know this is going to be my last trip. This is my last night.


I need to move on and find someone who will be there for me, who will keep their promises and cherish the connection that we have. I can conjure up images and thoughts of why he never came. He moved on, found someone else. He passed away from some crazy illness, he thought I?d forget our promise, take it at face value as a summer fling.


But I can make this final trip a happy memory. This isn?t a goodbye, it?s a new beginning, a new start.


And when the sun peaks up over the horizon tomorrow morning, I?ll use the new day to start a new chapter in my life.






Hugh is an alien in his 30s that looks very human. He cleansed his home planet from evil when he was a teenager, and he came to the Earth to do the same. He uses a dark helmet that covers his body with armor that increases his strength, and it also gives him access to futuristic weapons that appear by thought. Hugh has also created an alternate world called the Reflection Dimension, a safe place to keep the most dangerous criminals, with their only means of escape being to pass a test to show that they have truly given up their evil ways. He runs a worldwide network of heroes that utilizes the same helmet technology that he uses. Hugh's associates Janet and Chris are the heroes of the story you are about to read.




Originally Prince Lenny Overature of the country of Prosperity, Lenny was next in line to become the king. However, his true desire was to join his idol Hugh's hero network. Lenny's features were stolen by a traitor, leaving his body in a dark silhouette form. Hugh's associate Mirk banished the villain to the Reflection Dimension, leaving Lenny featureless. Now calling himself Leftover, he plans to build his own team that will eliminate Hugh's group, and do what he feels will be a better job at being heroes.




A figure whose entire body is obscured by a cloak. He has the power to bring non-living objects to life. Everything else about him is currently a mystery. Leftover is interested in recruiting him, and Lifer may or may not be on board with this.




"Wow Janet, I can't believe you met the legendary Pirate hero!" Chris said enthusiastically. "Did you find out who he really is by any chance?"

"I don't kiss and tell." Janet teased her coworker. They were both members of Hugh's hero network. Janet joined the organization six months ago, while Chris recently joined with one mission under his belt "Besides, we have work to do."

Janet and Chris were dressed in casual clothes, walking through a mall that was busier than normal for the Easter season. There had been reported sightings of a cloaked figure in the area, and they were sent to investigate. They suspected the cloaked figure was Lifer, a villain that could bring objects to life. Hugh's associates had defeated many of the living things Lifer had used against them (even reforming living compact disc cases and a living pair of shoes), but when it came to catching Lifer, he had proven to be quite elusive.

"Well, with how busy this mall is, I feel like a cloaked dude would stand out." Chris stated.

"Yeah, I'm going to call Hugh and let him know that this trip might be a wash." Janet responded, pulling her smartphone out of her pocket. Before Janet could dial Hugh, she heard a whooshing sound, and her phone was snatched out of her hand. The origin of the phenomenon revealed himself as a baseball with a face, tiny arms and legs.

"I'm Boris the Baseball, and my master will be so pleased!" The ball boasted. "Well, byyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeee!"

"Hey, get back here!" Janet demanded, running in the direction Boris whooshed away to. Chris dashed after Janet as well. The crowded mall became empty of civilians, as the crowds dispersed in the opposite direction of the chase.

"Y'know Janet, we do need to investigate this very alive baseball, but we should probably suit up too!" Chris remarked as they ran.

"Yeah, you have a point!" Janet replied. Both made dark helmets appear in their hands, and as they donned them, full body armor covered their bodies. This also helped them catch up to Boris, as their helmets also boosted their speed.

Janet and Chris reached a exit door towards a more secluded section of the mall, and in front of that door stood Lifer himself. Boris floated next to him, smiling widely.

"You did well my friend, now go and live a fast paced life of your choosing!" Lifer said in a gravelly voice to Boris. Boris gleefully flew towards a window, and exited by smashing through it.

"I will be taking my leave too, although my departure won't be as dramatic as the one from Boris." Lifer said matter of factly. "But first things first, I believe this phone is yours. I hope you like the upgrades I gave it."

Lifer tossed Janet's phone towards her, and once it was four feet away, the phone floated in the air. Similar to Boris, the phone also had a face, tiny arms and legs. Lifer laughed once more, than swiftly turned around and walked out the exit door, his cloak flowing behind him.

"I am Polly, and I am going to destroy you!" The phone cried out. "Googling sledgehammer!" Polly then projected an image of a giant sledgehammer, and the hammer began swinging at Janet's head.

Janet backflipped a few yards away and made a laser gun appear in her hands. Chris jumped in front of the sledgehammer, holding a sword in his hand.

"Leave her alone, I will take you on!" Chris said protectively.

"This doesn't concern you!" Polly responded. "This fight is between us girls!"

The hammer sped past Chris and attempted to charge Janet. Janet fired a blast from her laser gun, shattering the hammer into pieces.

"Oh, I can play that game too!" Polly taunted. "Googling laser gun!" Polly projected a laser gun, and the gun flew past Chris towards Janet, firing laser blasts at her.

Janet made her laser gun disappear and summoned her sword. She lit her sword up into a laser sword and deflected the laser blasts. Chris lept at the right side of the gun and sliced it apart with his sword.


"Janet is my ally, and you may choose not to attack me, but I choose to help my partner!" Chris replied with resolve.

"Thank you Chris, you're awesome!" Janet said enthusiastically. "But it's ok. Go outside and see if you can track down Lifer I'll power down my phone."

Chris nodded and ran out the exit door. Polly smirked as she looked down at Janet.

"Finally it is just us girls again." Polly sneered. "Time to see if you can truly handle that sword. Googling laser sword!"

Polly projected a laser sword, and the sword flew at Janet, attempting to slice her. Janet blocked the sword blows with her own, and struck at the sword to see if she could shatter it. The sword Polly had summoned was quite strong, possibly more powerful than Janet's. Janet realized there was only one way to win this battle, and she called out to Polly to carry out her plan.

"This could go on for a while Polly, how about a game of chicken?" Janet asked. "Let's truly see who is better in battle!"

"Sure, why not?" Polly said with a smile. "The end result will be the same.... you will be dead, and I will be Lifer's ultimate femme fatale."

"I'm not sure you even know what that means, but if you say so." Janet replied, returning the smile. "Keep in mind I recently defeated a legendary warrior in a chicken race."

"I fully intend to not disappoint" Polly replied. "Give yourself as much room as you need."

Janet backflipped a few yards back, then ran a few feet away. She then began charging towards Polly's sword, her own at the ready. Once she was close to the sword, Janet flipped over the sword as it swung, continuing her run until she was right in front of a shocked Polly. She sliced at the phone and it split in two, falling to the floor and disintegrating. Polly was now safely transported to the Reflection Dimension, and if she changed her ways, she could return.

"I never claimed to be playing chicken with the sword." Janet laughed to herself, alone once again. "Looks like I need to get a new phone now. At least I'm already at the mall."




Despite great effort from Chris, he was unable to catch up to Lifer. A distance away in an abandoned office building, Lifer was talking to a silhouette formed figure that called himself Leftover.

"Interesting strategy." Leftover jeered. "It doesn't make sense to program your minion to only attack one person when they are partnered up with someone else."

"Just testing these newish powers some more, Mr. Leftover." Lifer jeered back. "Besides, you talk a big game about how I need to prove myself to join your wannabe hero group, yet you seem to only be planning things and not actually doing anything. What have you exactly accomplished so far, Mr. Letover?"

"First of all, the only wannabe heroes are Hugh's people." Leftover retorted calmly. "As for accomplishments, I have obtained a modded version of one of Hugh's helmets without his knowledge, I just recruited a man that can turn himself and other people into worms, and although you remain coy about joining me, and you have yet to succeed in a fight, your powers remain intriguing, and you remain here considering membership in my group."

"Fine." Lifer sighed. "What do you suggest I do to defeat the heroes from Hugh's network?"

"You are getting defeated each time because Hugh's flunkies are using his tech against you." Leftover explained. "But what if you were able to get your hands on one of their helmets, bring it to life, and turn it against them? Those fools are spineless and weak without the abilities those helmets provide - they could be destroyed with their own equipment!"

"You may be onto something Mr. Leftover." Lifer cackled. "Very well, the next thing I will bring to life will be Hugh's helmet technology. We will then see if these folks are truly wannabe heroes when they have to battle their own support gear!"

"I have a great feeling about this future undertaking Lifer" Leftover responded, smiling despite being featureless. "When this plan proves to be a great success, you will see that we were meant to work together all along!"

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