Tuesday 9 November 2021

Black Friday Just For You: New Technology Allows You To Heat Any Room In Your Home Without A Thermostat- HotStreak Wall Plugin

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Instantly Warm Up ANY Space!

Is it a studio, an apartment, or an office? You can rely on the HotStreak Heater. Install it practically anywhere, set the temperature, and the heater will automatically start supplying a constant flow of warm air if the room temperature dips below that. It also comes with a 12-hour timer, allowing you to set it and get back to doing what you enjoy.









Maxwell and Steiger Professional Tech Group

475 Wagon Train Road, Mcrae, AR 72102-9006.

End Communication














All of us soldiers were packed into a van, like cows in a pen. I saw the battlefield, with falling and fallen soldiers, with blood and rain carpeting the once-green field. Bullets were flying everywhere as the sound of firing and explosions rang through the battlefield. The soldiers in the front line dropped dead one after another like trees being uprooted in a massive tornado. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion. The smell of blood and gunpowder was fresh in the air. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't think. 

My mind was in overdrive, thinking of every possible outcome, with none of them good. How would I die? Bullet to the head or blown to smithereens by a shell? Or would I simply die of fright? I didn't know. I wouldn't know until I died. And when was that? 10 minutes or 10 seconds? Or would I survive this battle and live for 10 days instead? 

Shouts and screams surround me as we evacuate the van, our safety. Within seconds, men start falling, all the while my brain saying ?you could be next. You might be the next to fall.? But I wasn't. I made it to the barbed wire. I was alone. Where was everyone? Looking behind, I saw there were only 10 of us left, 10 out of the 50 that were deployed. I am lucky. Or am I? Alone. Scared. Paralyzed with fear. 

 Terror sears through my body, adrenaline pounded, and my reflexes kicked in. I grabbed my gun harder, like it was my lifeline. I pushed through the fence, scraping my face, my arms, my legs. I'm past and then? I see him. 

I don't know what to do. 

A German, with a gun in his hand and his finger on the trigger.

Our eyes lock.

My eyes are wide with fear. I expect to see hate, death, maybe even vengeance in his eyes, but the sad reality of it is so very different. Doubt. Despair. Dread. Endless black holes of panic. 

He didn't want to kill me and I didn't want to kill him. 

I stumble, and realise my leg was hurt so much more than I originally thought. A bloody gash was sliced across it with blood running freely down it. I couldn't walk, let alone run. Even if this soldier didn't shoot me, I would likely starve to death out here.

?Help,? I choke. I don't know if I can trust him. Don't know if he would just shoot me in the back. I don't know anything. It is just a hunch, just a shout into the void, just a sliver of hope in this unforgiving world.

He looks at me, grasping his gun tighter and tighter. 

Fear floods through my body, coursing through every vein, bone and organ. It beats and pumps like it is trying to escape. I think my heart's going to explode and my eyes widen with anticipation.

He looks over his shoulder. Maybe he thinks he can run. Maybe he thinks someone is watching, but regardless, he holds his hand out. And smiled.


Like we're not in some war field.

Like we're meeting for the first time in a park on a summer's day.

I smile in return and gladly take his hand. 






He lifts me up, pulling me across the land, his shoulder wrapped around mine. We walk towards his base, but I don't care. I don't care. Anything to relieve myself of my leg and escape the fighting.

I haven't thanked him. I barely know how in German. I wish I could thank him, but my mouth seems to be jelly and I can't move it and form a coherent sound. I try again then


a n d  

 t h e 

 w o r l d  

s  l   o   w    s.

I don't know what's happened.

I don't know what's happened.

What has happened?

A gun.

Shot at us.

At me?



The man who risked everything to save me.

Is dead.

Shot by us.

The Allies.

I hope not


I don't know.

I can't concentrate.

Someone picks me up and I'm in the back of a truck.

Who's truck?

I don't know.

I don't care.

I have water and painkillers.

That's all I care about. I feel myself drifting off, but I can't sleep. I can't get his face out of my head. It exploding, with his blood spattering across mine. It's still there and it's not going. It's not going. And everytime I try to sleep, I can't. My ears are ringing too much from the 



I wake up with a sheen of cold sweat across my face. My breathing is coming in short gasps. My chest is too tight and my throat is closed up. My arms thrash, flailing around trying to fight off the terrors that don't exist anymore. There's a hole in my chest, filled with blood and pain and agony. I can't breathe. I can't breathe. 

I can't breathe.

I don't know where I am, but I was back there, back where I vowed I never would again, with friends and family dying around me.


She can't be hurt. The bullets of my dreams can't reach her, because I couldn't live without her. She can't be hurt because I'd be nothing without her. 

I calm down. 

I can breathe.

So can Julliette.

Everything will be okay.

She is fine.

I've woken her up, like I do on so many other nights. She smiles, and puts a reassuring hand on my chest, like she does on so many other nights, but it never fails to calm me, because I know I can do anything with one hand as long as she holds the other.

I love her. I can't lose her.

I'm so lucky to have her.

I'm so unlucky to have those dreams.

They'll never go. 

But she can't know that. She can't share my pain, because she was never there. And I thank the stars everyday for that.

I slow my breathing, in, out, in, out. My face resumes a casual neutral, with just a glint of a smile. She can't know. I won't let her.

?Just a nightmare, Ju, just a nightmare.? 


Selma Daze


As history appears and goes by each day. There have many traumatic experiences that have led to a huge portion of our lives. We have witnessed stories of the American Civil War to power events such as the recent Insurrection on Capitol Hill. What would we do if we could go back and stop some event that changed the course of history? If it could be done there have been many tales that such events have a significant impact and would change history. This is one story that I hope you enjoy however the outcome does not change history. Enjoy.

Plum Harvest. Two days ago. Dr. Kurt Madsen is joined by his wife Asoka Chao Madsen as they enter the research lab of Dr. Jain Jr. Sitting in the corner with him is Vice President of the Plum Harvest freighter carrier and the black man known as Gurney. ?Afternoon Drs.

Madsen.? How are your travels aboard ship going?? comments the small Gray Hindi man in a bow-tie and blue lab-coat.

?We are doing our best making ourselves at home,? answers Dr. Kurt Madsen wearing a NUMA tee shirt and baseball cap along with a bandanna. Madsen is a Caucasian man and his wife is Japanese American with short black hair. She wears a shawl over a tee-shirt with a yellow smiley face and cargo Capri. ?This Saturday, Asoka and I are having a traditional Japanese hibachi dinner with a few guests. I know, VP you are attending but you are welcome to join as well, Doctor Jain.?

?Thank you Dr. Mads-sen but I have a flight in the morning after you complete your mission with VP S-Sapper and Gurney.?

?Mission, Sir??

? We understand that you have a degree from Northern KY University in American Military History. You also have a PhD from Auburn University for Crypt-zoology History. If I am correct??

?Mainly just a hobby degree with English Folklore. Why do you ask??

?What do you know about Chronomancy??

?I know it deals with time travel but it could have a significant problem in the wrong hands why do you ask??

?We have come across some information that the shadows in our closet are planning on a huge impact on the field of chronomancy.?

Sapper takes over. He appears as a Eurasian man with an eye-patch over his left eye and wears a dark plum polo shirt and cargo pants. ?Dr. Madsen, you know about the Selma march of 1965.?

Asoka speaks for her husband. ?Yes, it was one of the many civil rights marches with Dr, King. Why is that important??

Sapper looks at both members as Gurney adjusts a suitcase with medical supplies of the 1960s. ?Due to secrecy, we have the knowledge to believe that a hired gun known as the Gun-man is planning to disturb this event in history. We believe he or she is a Chronomancy terrorist from the 23rd century who wishes to change history. Since we have no idea of who or what he is we know through a contact within Alu-Crad Pharmaceuticals that their masters are playing with chronomancy in the 23rd century. Since Mack and his team are preoccupied with another operation.?

?I will be joining you to contain the threat on Selma. Though you both know that there was violence. We believe this hired gun is planning on bloodshed. We would like you to join me in stopping this madman before it is too late and alters history. What do you say, Professor??

?I always wanted to see history in real life but how do you plan to get us there??

Dr. Jain takes over. ?I'm sad to say that I have been playing with time travel for a few years and though Dr, Jinn opposes it my obsession for it is like an addict. I wish to study history in real life and record it for academic reasons.?

Sapper reaches for one of his cigarettes and places it in his mouth. ?You both know of the

Quantum Disrupt-er developed by the Swiss but Dr. Jain here is one of the main builders of it.?

?We plan to use a smaller version of it to transport us back to Selma and stop this hired gun.? Sapper puffs his cigarette and continues ?We need your skills to help us to keep history on a straight line. Welcome aboard.?

?Time travel...are you aware of the significance if that gets in the wrong hands.?

?Yes I am fully aware but it is my choice, Professor Madsen.?

Asoka looks over with her almond brown eyes at Kurt. ?I guess this is a new space form of time travel like from Star Trek. Aye handsome.?

?I, hope you are right Dr, Jain and Asoka this could be a big problem. Where do we start.?

On those words, Dr. Jain swirls his hands counterclockwise and the Commandos disappear and arrive at the Selma Bridge.

Selma Bridge Museum: A small museum is built off the famous bridge as a few museum tourists look at the many civil rights facts concerning what happened there in 1965 Sapper, Madsen, Asoka, and Gurney wear casual dress. The group is greeted by Dr. Jain sitting at a bench across the blueprints of the bridge. ?Welcome to Selma, my students today we are going to travel back in time prior to the civil rights movement and civil rights bill. Please join me at this rest area. Don't want any curious bystanders getting in my portal.?

The group joins Dr. Jain as he pulls out a small octagon cylinder case and signals them each to hold hands as he turns the top of the cylinder. ? Hang on this might get bumpy.? Click Click Click.

Soon a series of red and blue and yellow lights surround the party as they are teleport back in time by the small Gray scientist. ? You only have 48 hours before the main march occurs and the Gunner strikes its time to act like protesters. Good Hunting.? Only those words Dr. Jain vanishes from the team.

Selma 1965

Madsen and the others dressed as if in the 1960's walk around the crowds that came early to march on the Selma Bridge about their Civil rights. Many RVs and campers surround the park grounds outside of the Selma bridge. Looking for a motel an old VW wagon pulls up to the group of adventurers. Dr. Jain gets out of the VW and walks over to his teammates. Dressed in a hula girl Hawaiian shirt and shorts. Dr. Jain shows a jubilant look in his large eyes. ? How are you all doing today we see live history at an academic level along with a chance to spot that hired gun. I know most of the motels are booked so I managed to buy this VW from a local used car salesman. He was quite slick when I told him I was stopping by here before going west and I needed a place to sleep tonight. So hop in I managed to pay a group of marchers for a spot next to their camper. ?

?I am not going to ask where you got currency Doctor, but I am sure it was with a price.?

comments Sapper.

?It was easy Alec I told a museum curator I had a rare vase from early Ancient Greek times about 2000 years and he offered me a good price. Now come on we have a mercenary to find.?

Several hours later. The adventurers have not found anything out of place with the hired gun from the future. Settling in with a black family traveling with Dr. King. They have a hearty homemade dinner of fried catfish with a special spice to it. They also learn a little more of

Dr. King and his reasons behind the Civil Rights movement from Rosa Parks to everyone being able to have a right to vote and live like Wealthy Americans and good healthcare.

The evening became quite informative, especially for the academic standards. That evening Sapper took first watch looking for anything that might be out of place. He spots some shadows in the distance who step forward holding torches and wearing white pillowcases over their heads and yelling loudly. ?WE don't want your kind here in Selma get out of here you mud rabbits!?

The Klan-men starting building a wooden cross outside the campers' ground. And continuing shouting harsh words to the people marching with Dr. King. Sapper is joined by Madsen and the others of the ruckus started by the Klan-men.? Things never changed even in the 21st century.? comments Sapper. ?Let's give these cowards a lesson Gurney.?

The two soldiers step forward and make knuckles in their fists. One of the Klan-men gets in their faces. ?What do you want traitor?. Kissing the butt of your mud rabbit friend.?

on those words Sapper throws a pair of boxing punches into the masked Klan-man.

?Where I come from we try to respect our neighbors, White lover.? Sapper throws a few punches into the Klan-man. He is joined by Gurney who throws some praying mantis moves on the other Klan-man. Once the fighting ends the Klan-man and his cohorts walked away like they were school kids. Several of the campers watch the fight and applaud sapper and Gurney for defending the community of marchers. Clap-Clap-Clap

Madsen and the others help some of the community members put out the burning cross left behind by the Klan-men. The rest of the evening things talk about what happened and call it a night.

Next Morning

After several hours of searching in and out of the parking area for the march as it grew. Gurney spotted a set of abnormal tracks beneath the Selma Bridge. The band of heroes follows the tracks as they enter the Alabama river. ?It looks like we need some diving gear, Alec?? comments Madsen. ?Have any suggestions??

Sapper looks over to Dr. Jain. Jain reaches into the back of his VW and brings a pair of SCUBA oxygen tanks. ?They may be old but they will do the job managed to buy them as supplies for the camping trip. Who's going to suit up?? Sapper raises his hand after he tosses his cigarette and is joined by Asoka. Gurney looks surprised at Asoka

Madsen looks over to Gurney. ?She always was a tomboy in high school especially when she was part of the cross-country team. Besides she's a marine biologist and is certified. So Alec,

how are you going to stop Mr. X??

Sapper reaches over to a suitcase handed to him by Gurney. ? Improvise, Monsieur. Let's suit up, mademoiselle.? The two drops to their undergarments placing a ring on their hands. Jain places a foggy wall around his team to prevent any UN-necessary on-lookers. The two-step into the cold but muddy waters of Alabama tied to a rope attached to the VW the pair river dive into the March waters.

Below in Alabama river.

A short distance away from the heroes. A reptile-like man sets charges at the base of the Selma bridge prior to ?Bloody Sunday.? The reptile-like man wears a modified dry suit as he places several C4 blocks on the bridge. Attaching a radio detonator to each of the C4 blocks around the base. Spotting the diver, Sapper raises his set of hand crossbows and swims closer to the

terrorists. Sensing the advancing divers, the Reptile man raises a double-bladed speargun at the advancing divers

Both men release their weapons on the other as the arrows and spears come close to hitting their target. Taking an arrow to his left leg. The reptile man growls in anger but stays his course. The spear skims the arm of Sapper but does minor to light damage. Much like a bad

scratch from a butcher knife.

The reptile man moves quickly to get away from Sapper and Asoka. Asoka joins Sapper and signals about his arm but Sapper continues to chase the assassin. Asoka stands near the C$ and presses a button on her ring for help.

Sapper swims fast but loses sight of the hired gun and returns back to the location signaling for Asoka to step back. Sapper looks down at the C$ blocks and starts to disarm the explosives with the multi-tool kit he is carrying on his harness.

The two divers surface and Sapper gets look at by Gurney from his injury why Asoka helps walk with him up to the coast. A state trooper vehicle pulls up behind the VW. A tall lank white police officer walks over to the people by the shore. ?Hey there, what are you doing down here swimming is off-limits. Let me see some ID. ?

Jain hands the State trooper a set of passports looking on at the tall trooper. ?Sorry, we are the Polar Bear Club from Quebec. We were just taking a Polar bear dive in reference to the upcoming Selma march.?


?Polar bear Club? Okay well, next time get a registration letter the waters down here may pull you out to Mobile Bay.? Eyeing Asoka with a keen eye of sensuality. The trooper looks over to her. ?Miss you might want to get dressed who knows what vermin will come after an attractive Asian woman especially with what is going on in the South Pacific. The rest of you get dressed and get out of here before I run you in.?

?Thank you, sir, we will get a move on.? Comments Madsen ? Come on honey, I have a towel for you in our van.? The trooper sticks around shaking his head looking at the leaving adventurers. ?Foreigners??

Sunday, March 7, 1965. The heroes stay an extra day and march along with the famous marchers as they witness the rough police tactics used against some of the marchers on Selma bridge. As the march ends that day, the heroes join others and sit-in at a diner protesting the actions of Southerners this march day known in history as Bloody Sunday.?

The talk raises tension but quickly extinguishes as Jain and his company head back to where they step in history and return back to the modern-day. ?What about Mister. X . Dr, Jain? What happened to him?'

?I'm not really sure Dr. Madsen, I can only assume the authorities caught up to him after the Vee-Pee chased him or her off Only time will tell but I think we made things better and let the Selma marchers carry on their march without a bomb blowing them up. Thanks to all of you. But I wish I could stay but I have a flight to catch.?

On those words, Dr, Jain vanishes into the portal he took his friends in. ?Strange fellow, Alec he felt like a hippie professor but a good yank .? Comments Gurney. What about that hibachi dinner, yanks is it still on.? Kurt and Asoka look at one another and laugh with their friends. .

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