Monday 8 November 2021

Black Friday Is Here! Save Up To 60 Percent On Your Electrical Bill By Using The HotStreak Wall Plugin

Shipping is FREE!


Tired of heating the whole house while spending the day in one room?

Introducing the Hotstreak plug-in wall heater


Total Versatility

The mini heater can warm up spaces of all kinds including bathrooms, offices, bedrooms, and mudrooms. Some of our customers even use the heater to warm up small green houses, dog/cat houses, and RVs.


Set It and Forget It

Do you need to heat a greenhouse, a dog home, or an RV on a regular basis? You don't have to micromanage the plug-in heater because it includes a 12-hour timer Set the timer for eight hours before going to bed to ensure consistent heat throughout the night without having to get out of bed in the morning to switch it off. For even easier operation, use the provided remote control.

Simple Installation

The heater's wall plug can rotate 180°, so that it can be installed virtually anywhere. Just plug it into a wall outlet, set the thermostat's target temperature, and the Hotstreak will do the rest. If the room dips beneath your target temperature, the plug-in heater will kick on and start generating a constant flow of smooth, warm air.

Ready to warm up your space?

Shop HotStreak Today!

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Crownwell Lecter, Higgins Network Engineering

21596 Potter, Kirksville, MO 63501-7192









?My back needs a rub. Oh, how I long for a swim!? Said Diana. Her husband Petero chuckled. They were lying on their lawn under a short, evergreen mango tree. Petero turned towards her and began massaging her slowly with his wrinkled but ever strong hands.


?Like this?? he asked teasingly.

?Oh yes, that feels nice.? Diana responded although thirty years it would have been magical? Diana said with a laugh. That the hearty, boisterous laugh Petero had found musical for over half a century.


?Are you saying I no longer have the same effect on you?? he asked pretending to be angry.

?Who said that? Don't start with your evil accusations Petero. You are still my apple among thorn trees of the forest. Your touch remains electrifying as the very first one. Your effect on me is like a memorable melody sang early in the morning? Diana said.

?Mm. Am glad to hear that my love. As for the swim, am not sure of that. Is it a good idea really? We might get tired of kicking and get drowned all the same,? Petero said. They both burst in laughter.


That's the kind of life they knew best. Both at late seventies. Old, sweet, golden life. Petero and Diana had been together for over sixty years. Their first born son was sixty four and the youngest thirty eight. It was not completely a marital bliss but they had enjoyed so much together for many years. The two were as thick as thieves such that even their children couldn't help it but admire.


?Tomorrow is valentine. What are your plan? Or two fossils have no right to enjoy?? Diana asked in a funny tone.

They laughed.

?We can just walk around and enjoy the breeze as we stretch our legs.?

?Just walking around? Really? Diana asked feigning disbelief.

?It's very therapeutic, I tell you? Petero answered scratching his bald head.


Diana stood.

?I would have loved a dinner somewhere in a room with a thousand dazzling colours. Then afterward dance to some jazz? she said twisting her body in an angelic way. Petero watched her amused.

?Come hold my hand Petero and dance a little bit, ?she beckoned.

?Oh no my dear. My bones are screaming? He answered holding his hand out and helping Diana sit.

?Diana, my pretty diamond. You never cease to amaze me. In our younger years, we would have done that and more. I know how good your moves were. Every man wanted to dance with you.?

?Are you forgetting you are the one who taught me how to dance? Aah Petero?,?she said clasping her husband's hand.


?I remember when you came to visit me at the college. You were eighteen, and I was turning seventeen. That evening as I was coming from the library. I was tired and bored. I saw you from a distance and I felt hot blood flowing in my veins. You were holding some flowers, my heart melted.? Diana spoke affectionately.


?Go ahead my love. Your memory is sharp like for a ten year old? Petero said encouragingly.

Diana continued.

?I briskly ran towards you and hugged you like you were life itself. You was such relieve to me like a light shower in a desert. We had stayed for a year without meeting. Remember??

?How can I forget that my love. When I saw you that evening, I felt like a man who had won a battle. There was that weird liberty in me in falling in love with you. The universe had conspired to make us meet Diana? Petero said. His eyes staring on the space as he tried to recall.


?Then you told me that you had drove with your father's Chevrolet. We drove to Thompson falls the same evening to take photos. It was a great adventure. Nothing else mattered. I remember throwing my books through the window of my room and running very fast to avoid questions from anyone? she said laughing. ?You almost drove me mad Petero.?


Petero laughed too. ?No, that's not the phrase to use Diana. You should rightfully say, we were madly in love. We spoke and understood the language of love. It was not forced on us, it came naturally and we couldn't hide from it.? Petero said.


?I felt very safe with you? Diana said. ?It was my first day to be out with a man in absence of my sister, yet I felt no fear.?

?You were irresistible. You were an ember that kept glowing in my soul. We had awoken a dangerous thing in our young hearts.? Petero observed.

?The evening came with a stately fashion. After the photo session you requested to take me to a hotel for dinner. Remember? The hotel was fully packed but we found a table outside under the palm tree. It was an evening I still recall with passion. We ate, spoke, danced and did it again until it was very late. Then you took me back at the college.?


?I went back home that night with a heavy heart. I needed you very badly. There is nothing I couldn't do to be with you again.?Petero said

?It was a long night for me too. I felt like running away to be with you. Surely love is a strange thing.?

?Thank you for believing in me Diana. You have been a sweet headache for all those years,?Petero said placing a light kiss on Diana's forehead.

?And you been awfully good to me Petero.?


A car drove in. Their last born daughter had come.

?Is that Grace? My eyes are growing weak? enquired Petero.

?Yes, it is our Grace. I hope there is no trouble with her husband now.? Diana said quietly. ?This young generation don't know love is to be cultivated for.?

?No, they don't know. It's all about shouting at each other and the loudest is termed as the winner.? Petero replied.


Grace, their youngest daughter was walking towards them.

?Mum, dad, hi. You two love birds never get tired of each other Is there some secret you use? Grace addressed her parents while squeezing herself between them.


?You should come for some lessons from us Grace. Our ember has never grown dim. Ask your father,? said Diana making room for her daughter.


I never thought I would see him again, thought this chapter in my life had come to an end.

Giving my life to God when he turned and walked away.

It all happened a year ago on this cold and stormy day.


We were older now when I saw him once again.

What we felt at the beginning can this story take a spin.

He looked at me as I looked at him, as I felt Gods love for me within


He took my hands no questions asked, what happened then my love lets put it in the past.

Lets take what we have learned and let love grow.

We want rush this and take it slow.


Yes, I understand what I did not know then, you were not ready for love to begin.


I turned for a moment to think, when I looked back at him he put his hand on my lips before I could speak.

Don't say a word I already know what's going on in that beautiful head.


You think you know me you always have, I was an open book that has not changed I can agree on that.

I wore my love on my sleeve and it has not changed. What is in my heart remains.


You have a beautiful soul I was afraid of that, as a man I was not ready to give the love back.

Will forgiveness be on our lips as we start a new way, getting to know each other day by day.


I said to him that would be a start but I want to know what you hold in your heart.


He looked at me with warmth in his eyes. For a moment I thought he was about to cry. It would be different never saw a part of this from him before. Never been able to express his feelings, this is a new beginning


We had stood there catching up and saying more than we should but just could not let go. Had walked for hours did not know the time had slipped away. The day was about to come to an end.


He said please let us continue this over a cup of coffee I know this was your choice of beverage in the past, I said yes guilty of that one thing you did not forget. How can I forget, every time I saw you you were on the go and I mean on the go. Yes I was and was not going any where. We both laughed and I felt such a connection once again.


I said where do we go from here. Well first off we need to be able to connect, he said. We both pulled out our phones and exchanged numbers.


It had been a few days before I heard from him. This gave me time to think about how I felt and of course how he felt. His voice sounded wonderful over the phone.


So what have you been up to we both said at the same time. Laughing at how we said it at the same time was kind of cute and a breath of fresh air. It had been so long since I smiled and laughed and just felt good inside.


Nothing much I said just trying to stay busy, I had been out of work do to past choices. and knew I had to tell him sooner or later. He had always been good at listening and very understanding.

How about yourself I asked him.


I am making some life changes and have been working on what to do next. I am getting older and that page in my life is about to turn and I need a plan.


I truly understand and that is why I need to tell you for the past few years I have not been able to work do to choices and bad decisions I made. And at this moment in my life I am at a stand still. So much time and part of me I gave.


Ah, It can't be that bad I never knew you to give up on much of anything.


I have not giving up but have come to a tough road that seem to be going no where. What should I do, what can I do, you know I'm not young anymore.


Well, I tell you what, he said, will figure it out together how does that sound. Maybe we can work together to come up with a plan that would work for both of us. How about I take you out to dinner tomorrow and will put our heads together.


That sounds like a plan, its going to need both of us for this plan to work. We need all the brains we can get, I'm not young any more.


Please you look damn young to me and you have not changed a bit Everything is still in all the right places.


May be in the right places but have kind of shifted from its youthful form. We laughed so hard my stomach started to hurt.


Lady you are crazy he said. Until tomorrow.


Until tomorrow, have a blessed night.


You to as well.


He picked me up from my apartment, it had been raining all day and part of the afternoon. It was cold and just plain wet, but I was not going to let anything spoil this moment. Put on my big girl panties and hope and pray this will be a new chapter in our lives.


Hey there beautiful lady you are looking nice as usual.


Hey there to you as well and you looking handsome yourself and the car smell good. Man what you got on.


I don't know. I pulled something out of the closet and slapped it on. Just getting off of work I was kind of rushing.


Are you sure your not too tired to hang out. I want to be that understanding woman that you men need today.


Wow, I appreciate that, but I am great. I would not miss this for nothing in the world. So talk to me what has been going on with you.? You mentioned that you had not been working for a while.


Are you sure you want me to tell it all. Do have the time to have an open mind and heart.


This is a new start for us both lets take it step by step and get to know and understand the years that have kept us a part. Maybe this time we will get to know each other


That sounds good to me. Thank you.


Thank me for what?


Just because.

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