Friday 7 January 2022

Your inner scientist will blossom with this USB Microscope

Genius Wireless Microscope Educational fun next level
Explore the microscopic world with wireless HD.
The microscope's wireless capability enables the device to connect with iPads, iPhones, or the iPod touch, as well as over two hundred other mobile devices.
Our microscope can magnify objects up to 1000x times their normal size. It has a built in LED illumination light, so that you can see all the fine details and eliminate shadow. Take a screenshot on your device to get amazing pictures!
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Kids playing with microscope
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Sheba (Excerpt)


?Bitsy? is what they used to call me.


In first grade, I was almost the same size as the other kids. We were equals back then. Man, how things have changed. I stopped growing at ten years old. No one questioned it; it was a family trait. My mom is four foot eight and so is her sister. They told me I was lucky to reach four foot ten and I believed them. ?Lucky? has different meanings to different people.


Kids are cruel, but I never let the teasing get to me. I had a couple of besties who didn't care if I was four feet tall or seven feet tall. Those girls, the non judgemental, love me for who I am, who I was; those are the people who make the world go round.


?Use your height, or lack of, to your advantage,? a phys-ed teacher once told me. I listened and she helped me become one of the top Balance Beam gymnasts in the province by the time I was fourteen. I was in the papers and on TV. Bullies left me alone after that. Cece and Candace were my cheerleaders. I loved those girls like you couldn't imagine.


People ask me why I threw away my future; why I dropped out of school a year before graduation. ?None of your Goddamn beeswax,? I'd tell them. Eventually, everyone stopped caring. Good. Screw you all.


I'm the manager at Ferd's Bakery and Coffeetorium. How's that for irony? I work for Jennifer's husband.


I started here in 1989, when it was still owned by Old Mr. Ferdinand. It wasn't trendy back then. The cool kids didn't hang out here. It was just a bunch of geezers getting together, playing cards, comparing aches and pains. They liked me, but the tips were crap. ?Don't eat yellow snow,? was one of their faves. Crazy old dudes. It was ideal; never running into my peers.


Luis bought it ten years later and kept me on. I debated leaving, but where would I go? High school dropout, skillset ending at pouring coffee and cracking jokes with geriatrics. Yup. I stayed.


I stayed through the renovation; the endless training on fancy ass ?hot beverages?; the new generation of mean girls. I was a waitress. Now I'm a barista. Almost sounds like I went to college.


Staff have come and gone over the last thirty years. Yup. That's how long I've been slinging java. They call that a ?Career Server?. What bullshit. It's a sad excuse for a meagre existence. People think I'm too stupid or lazy to do anything else. I'm not either, but I'm not a brainiac or overly ambitious either.


Hot little tarts come through here, take a job, treat me like crap, and quit when something better comes along. I hate them all.


A few years ago, Hannah applied for a position. She was at least my age, said her husband worked out of town a lot and she wanted a long term job to keep herself busy and allow her to meet people. They were new in town. I begged Luis to hire her; give me a worthy counterpart. He trusted me and obliged.


No regrets, man. No regrets. She's fucking hilarious and the first human I've considered a friend in forever. She has nicknames for all the regulars; some kind, others not so much. She blends in, nothing notable to bring attention to her. I'm jealous. Everyone knows me as ?the little one?, ?the mouthy one?, or, worst of all ?A fixture at Ferd's?. Permanent. Like the coffee maker or toilet. Only I've been here longer than both of those. I'm a sad sack.


?Dude, what's with your eye?? I asked Hannah this morning.


?Huh? What do you mean??


?Are you wearing brown contacts? It's, like, slipping. Do you really have blue eyes? Why the fuck would you cover that up??


?They aren't BROWN, Sheeb. They're hazel. I think it's pretty. Looks like my Grandma. And looks better with my hair, don't you think?? she answered, rubbing her fingers over her eyelid, trying to readjust the rogue lens.


?Hell, no. You're an idiot. But I love you, anyway. Loser,? she kicked my butt as I started to walk away. I flipped her the bird and we both giggled like teenagers. Yep, Hannah was a gift, starting to drag me out of this three decade long fog.


I wasn't always this cynical. I used to have hopes and dreams. I was going to be an Olympian.


In the summer, when the gym at DSHS wasn't available to practice in, I went into the woods. There were a few fallen trees near the river that were ten times more challenging than the straight beam and fall mats indoors. After a few weeks of practice, I could do four consecutive handsprings; split jumps; front and back saltos; all without falling off or bagging myself. I was going to take Team Captain as soon as I entered twelfth grade. See, I was ambitious. Once upon a time.


Until that day.


I'd been practicing for hours and needed a well deserved break. The sun's long fingers were reaching through the canopy of trees, tickling me with warm nudges. I laid on the collapsed timber that had been acting as my workout partner, arms splayed, daring a wind to knock me over. It was my way of meditating. Alone, the only sound the rustling of leaves, the song of chickadees, squirrels playing tag. I could get lost in smells of nature, not a fear in the world. It never occurred to me that I could fall.


That morning, mid relaxation, almost snoozing, I heard approaching chatter. Girls, giggling; branches, snapping. I jumped off my perch and hid behind the closest cluster of maples. ?Guys! Wait up!? someone was calling.


I kept still, a professional spy, hoping to pick up on some gossip I could use, for good or evil, it didn't matter. I was pure stealth, and small enough to stay out of sight.


?This? is? what? you wanted to show me?? It was Teddy Duncan, out of breath, talking to someone I couldn't yet see. This might be something! I leaned in closer, lower. I didn't want to miss anything.

?Sure is, Teddy Bear!? Oh, shit. Ariel No good would come from this.


Teddy was looking around, looking up, searching for something. ?I don't get it.?


?You will.? Jennifer stepped into my line of site. She was carrying a heavy looking purse. She pulled out a can of Pepsi and handed it to Teddy, who accepted the gift and downed half of it in a single gulp.


?See, Teddy? THIS is why no one likes you. You're a pig. A girl of your?. Girth? should avoid sugar You're just going to get fatter and fatter until you can't even fit in the seat at the movie theatre or on a plane,? Ariel said, cruel giggle. ?Right, Jenny?? what a bitch.


?Um. Sure. I think you made your point, Air. Let's go.?


?Not so fast. She needs to learn!? Teddy finally realized that this was a set-up. She was looking around, frantic, for an escape route. ?You can't outrun us, porker,? Ariel continued.


?Wh.. what do you want from me??


?I'm so glad you asked!? her voice was jovial; syrupy; fake. ?You see this?? she asked, flipping her hair, long in the front, short in the back. Teddy had copied the cut, not nearly as perfect.


?Y..y..yeah. It's nice. Looks so pretty on you,? Teddy stammered.


?I know! ON ME!!! NOT ON YOU!? I got it. Teddy did, too.


?You're right, Ariel. I'll cut it as soon as I get home. Cross my heart.?


?I don't trust you. That's why we are going to cut it for you. Jennifer? Pass me the sheers.?


?Ariel?,? Jennifer tried to stall her. ?Let's go. She'll cut it herself.?


?I will! I'll cut it today!? Teddy begged.


?GIVE ME THE FUCKING CLIPPERS!? She screamed, grabbing the bag and pulling them out herself. ?Hold them,? she ordered. Jennifer took them, reluctantly, as Ariel tackled Teddy, sitting on top of her, holding her down by the neck. I could have shown myself, but fear paralyzed me. All I could do was watch.


Ariel started shaving Teddy's head. She was struggling, crying. She pissed herself.


?Oh, for fuck's sake. Look what you did!? Ariel stood, hovering over her helpless victim and pulled a pair of scissors out of her bag. They were huge, steel, the kind you use to cut rolls of fabric. Teddy's eyes got as big as saucers, her fight or flight reflex kicking in. She was shorter than Ariel, but a lot bigger. She rolled, knocking her attacker to the ground, giving herself a chance to stand and run. She headed for the river. Downhill.


Ariel was fast, and they reached the water within seconds of each other. She was a woman possessed. Jennifer followed, but stayed on the shore, hollering for Ariel to stop, to leave Teddy alone; but she was deaf with rage.


She held Teddy's head under the water, her hand finally emerging, full of wet, blonde hair. Teddy did not resurface. Jennifer ran into the rushing water, shoes and all, furiously searching, coming up with nothing.


?What did you do?? she asked.


?I did the world a favour,? Ariel replied, as if what just occurred was nothing at all. I wasn't even breathing. ?We can go now.?


They left and I dove into the frigid water, searching for what felt like ages. I didn't find Teddy, but I did come upon the scissors. I sat on the bank until dark, numb with cold and fear.


That was the end of Bitsy Sheba, Olympic Hopeful, friend to all. I never recovered. I still have the murder weapon.


?Try this,? Hannah snapped me out of my Hellish memory. She was handing me a steaming drink in a clear mug.


?Ick. It's blue.?


?You LOVE blue, idiot,? she responded with a sarcastic smirk. ?It's peanut butter banana white hot chocolate. I'm calling it Blue Suede Shoes. Get it? Like Elvis.?


?I get it. It's good, but you may want to re-think the name. No one wants to ingest something that reminds them of feet.?


?Ew. You're right. I'll think on it,? and that's why I finally have someone to call a friend.

A girl named Sammy moved from a small village to big city for her studies . She pretends to be introvert but actually she was fun loving . she did not want to make friends  because of her looks . She was fat , small and facing acne problems and whenever she met anyone, they just make fun of her . So, she decided to hide herself because of criticism . she was good in studies and started focusing on studies in college .   Sammy always want to be Cinderella and she dreamt of princess who will come one day and take her far away . Reality was different , there was no one in her life and being in poor family she could not think about any relationship . As her parents were poor due to which she started part time job as baker . On her first day , she was bullied by some old employees for being fat and not doing work properly due to which she cried a-lot after work but she did not had any choice of quitting or complaining because she needs money for her fees. So she started working with patience and decided to adjust with them . After 2-3 months she became their favourite because she was doing all difficult works and those employees could relax because of her . After struggling so much she was fully broken from inside and just want to quit everything but she could not . One day she was going on work in bus and she saw "Your body can stand almost anything ,it's your mind you need to convince " quote on someone's shirt and she got inspiration to be fit . she decided to loss weight , Initially , it was difficult for her to avoid sugar and cooking something healthy daily but she managed somehow . She was 80 kilo but she managed to lose 10 kg in one month and she also started looking little bit in shape and pretty . One day she was sitting on the front bench and one boy sit beside her . She did not noticed that boy because she was learning chapter with full focus . Suddenly , the boy made a move towards her and asked "hey, what is your name ? I never noticed you before in class " . Sammy was not shocked with the question because she always try to hide herself from people . So she replied without any interest of talking more . My name is Sammy . The boy was seem to be talkative and he started talking about family , teachers and friends . Sammy also get interested in conversation and  started talking . For the first time , In college she talked with someone with that much interest . In two  weeks they both became good friends and Sammy was falling in love with him . She was determined to loss more weight to look perfect for him due to which she was putting all her efforts to look pretty  .  one day fortunately that boy asked her for being his girlfriend and she was super excited also nervous and she said yes . Now they both were happy , talk daily and also meet each other outside the college to visit parks , watch movies . Everything was going good but one day boy asked Sammy to move their relation one more step forwards by connecting physically , for boy it was common but for  Sammy was different . Sammy was always insecure of her body and she was not ready to move to this level .So she asked him for some time indirectly she was saying no , but boy got offended with her  no and he purposed other girl  and when Sammy came to know about his new girlfriend she was fully broken . For her , that boy was life but he could not digest even her one no . All  her insecurities about body came back and she started hiding her self again . Sugar was like medicine to her in pain she started eating as much as she can just to avoid the pain of her broken . With the passage of time she was getting fat like before and even more than before . Her life fully changed after breakup and she was completely lost . As usual she went  from college to work without talking to anyone. One day she was baking and one boy named zayn  waved from the distance . she was clueless and then suddenly boy came and started talking that why are you working here . She had no idea who he is and then she interrupt  him and asked politely ? I am sorry but I didn't recognize you ? then boy replied ?I am your classmate , I sit beside you daily ? . Sammy was little bit confused and then she recognized him. Zayn was tall , good looking and fun loving boy . Sammy shift was almost going to over so zany asked her if he could accompany her . Sammy hesitate at first but then she agreed. They both were walking on a way to Sammy's house and talking casually , suddenly boy asked her that' do you have boyfriend ?  talking about which Sammy was not comfortable so , she just shuffle his question to weather . Boy got clue that may be she don't want to answer due to which he also smiled and started talking about how beautiful weather is today . When Sammy reached home and say him goodbye , he suddenly hold her hand and asked if they could be friends . Sammy did not have any friends and she was alone but even she don't want to make friends because after her broken heart she don't want to trust anyone . Therefore , she just smiled and closed the door without giving any answer to him. After studying , cooking and doing all home chores , Sammy was lying on bed and trying to sleep but thoughts of that boy whom she met today only once were coming . Although she was not attracted towards him but something was their which she was not able to overcome . In morning she was ready for college and little bit nervous because of the boy . She entered the classroom and saw zany was not in class  . Sammy took her seat and suddenly she heard a voice of zany who was coming in class with his friends. When he saw Sammy he sat beside her and said hello excitingly . Sammy was nervous because she did not want anyone to notice her and zany was one of the coolest boy in class . She was feeling uncomfortable but nothing was in her hand . The ex- boyfriend of Sammy was also in class and when he saw them talking he got jealous due to which he started laughing and started making fun of Sammy on the basis of her looks . Everyone in the class was laughing and making fun of her . Zany stood up and said everyone to be silent and stop making fun of Sammy but Sammy could not tolerate all this humiliation and ran away . zany went behind her and saw she was crying and  blaming herself  for everything what happened in the class . zany sat beside her and told her that there is no fault of her it is their mindset . Sammy told him that the boy who started making fun of her was none other than but was his boyfriend who cheated on her . Zany laughed and said are you serious ? that mouse was your boyfriend . Sammy also laughed after hearing mouse name for her ex . She asked zany that what should I do to gain confidence and to be beautiful . How much weight should I loose to look slim and pretty . Firstly zany laughed and said what are you talking about ? I am not dietician and other thing you don't need to loose weight to look good and to be friend with others , you are good how you are . Sammy was shocked with his reply because she was expecting him as a boy who only like good looking girls but his thoughts were different . zany continued and said her that you should accept yourself first how you are and must appreciate how beautiful god made you from inside . For the first time in her life someone said her these beautiful words after listening which she was full of confidence and feeling reborn . Her perception totally changed towards people and love . She wanted to make friends and start her new life . she wiped her tears , stood up and hold zany hands and asked him if he could be his new friend ? zany accepted her friendship and they both entered in class holding hands everyone got shocked and afterwards no one laughed . 


 Eventually , Sammy accepted her body and started making friends


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