Saturday 2 October 2021

Why Every Household Should Have This Illusion Vortex Rug This Season

Rug with an optical illusion under an armchair
Mind-blowing VORTEX Hole- Vortex Illusion Rug brings a visual illusion in a black and white plaid design like you are falling in a black hole. Surprise your guests and friends with this incredible 3D Illusion Rug that will make your friends and house guests shocked. Imagine looking at the floor of a kitchen, bedroom, dining room, or lounge and randomly seeing a vortex hole! Don't miss your guests' shocked faces and you are sure to cut a unique impression on the visitors.
optical illusions



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A young girl named Ashley made her way out the door to make her way to school. It was hot and sunny but I lovely day for smiles around. She walked and walked singing her favorite song when she looked around and realized something. There were no people around and the sky started to turn black. This darkness hit her little town so quickly that she did not know what was going on. It was so dark that she could not even see her house or anything around her.


Asley started feeling like everything was closing in on her and she did not know how to escape. Something was in this darkness, but you cannot see it just hear it. It really scared Ashley and she started to cry for help but there was no one to hear her cries for help. Then something grabbed her, so she ran and ran but was getting nowhere without seeing. But she kept running and yelling out for help.


There was still no one there. But when she turned around, she saw a fire-like creature that was coming toward her. Ashley was so scared that she ran away but that did not make a difference. When she looked around all she saw was more demons coming out of the dark. But there was someone hiding behind a car with a light. Why would he have a light on when there are so many demons walking and flying around.


So, I ran over there to the person I saw that it was a young boy about my age, and he was so scared as much as I was. I reached my hand out to shake his and said "Hi my name is Ashely and what's yours. Don't you see that there are demons around looking to take us in the dark, so we must be quiet? But if you must know my name is David. Now let's see if we can find another hiding spot. They are getting close, so we must move now. Let's Go!!


As we find another hiding spot, I walk and wonder what his story is and do he have any family around. Hey, so what is your story. Well, when everything started, I was coming home from work when I see that my parents weren't at home but there close was where they were standing. So, I am on a mission to find my family. That's awful Ashley said. Well, I don't know what happen to my family because when this happened, I was on my way to school.


So, we are out here looking for the same answers to our questions. David, it's time to move their right behind us we must go. So dark and cannot see but what we found out that when you keep the light on you, it will stop the demons from grabbing you into the dark that's why we must find more lights. So, we started walking and hoping to find more lights, but we couldn't find none around, not even some batteries As long as we been running, we saw a store with the lights on and rushed over there.


We didn't know what to expect when we knocked on the door. But there was no answer and when I looked behind me the demons were coming. We must get in there or we're dead. We started to knock and knock hard. Finally, someone opened the door, and we rush in there. Thank you so much for opening the door. We thought we were dead. No problem and by the way my name is Paul nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, I'm Ashley and this is David. Nice to meet you as well.


So, have you heard anything new about what has been going on? No, but what I do know is that there is a place that people went to that has all the light and protection from these demons in the dark. Did they say how they were going to stop them? No, but I do know is that we must make our way that way. Where is this place? It's in downtown Los Angeles. So, when do we make our move toward that way? Soon as I get everything together.


They gathered their things and headed out the door. They walked, walked, and walked but have not seen any lights around. Run their coming. Let us hide in here for right now. 20 minutes later they started back on their journey to the lights. As they ran down the dark streets, she saw something that looked like a light, but it seemed so far away. Do you guys see that light down there? When they got closer to see what it was, it was a big door with a bright light shining out of it. So, they went to open the door and what Ashely saw was so amazing. Ashely says to herself "wow this is really beautiful." She knew that she was saved by this light. And the people that disappeared were right behind this door. Darkness always tries to find a way to pull you in, but the light always protects you.


They walked around and seen all the people happy and planting flowers. The love that the light brings is so powerful and she knew that. Coming to this door of light was the best thing that I could have done. So, she closed the door behind them. They were so happy to see all these people and the lights. David came to Ashely and said, I will be right back, I want to see if I can find my parents in here. And when he turned, they were standing right there and Ashely finally found hers also.


There are so many people coming together and helping one another like the world is supposed to be. The light pulled us out of a hard time and away from all of the demons. Light is love and if you stay in the light, you will be safe and protected.


James sighed.

He looked outside the window, sitting on his bed.

It was night, a deep blue and black painted with white stars.

But that wasn't the end.

There was clouds, grey-black clouds, and it was pouring.

It was pouring so much, that James had to close the window before any water could manage to come in.

The rain looked no more like rain, but a fog entering the city.

He tried to spot the nearest building, but the fog tried to block the view of everything, and was successful.

James hopped off his bed and turned on the light.

Just as he was going to his bed --

The light turned off.


Then, from the window, James saw faint light flicking off.

The rain had stopped a bit, so the fog was a bit faint now.

So James was able to see 2-3 buildings

All around him, outside the window, faint light started flicking off.

Maybe James wasn't the only one with a power cut.

Anyway, he would light a candle.

James went down and got a candle, and lit it with some matchsticks.

He went upstairs to his room again, and kept the candle on the desk.

Then, from the windows, he noticed something strange.

He ran to the window, holding his lamp.

Dear me - the trees fell on the electric poles!

That explained everything.

Next, James noticed something even weird.

There was a giant tree leaning on one of the electric poles that both the tree and the pole fell down, and the wires snapped.

And there was one shiny, golden-yellow thing which was glowing, and was as bright as the sun ( but not too bright that you can't look at it!) and even sparkly and shiny than a thousand lava lamps and glow sticks.

It was long and narrow, and had scales

One vertical row was filled with shiny golden scales, and the ones next to it were white.

It was a pattern.

James a binoculars from the corner and looked at the lovely and shiny being.

But James couldn't believe his eyes when he saw it!

It was a dragon!

What was a golden dragon doing in the city?

James, excited, raced downstairs, flung open the door, and wore his sandals.

He just slipped in part, and but his heels were just stepping on the sandals.

He ran towards towards the electric poles, but he didn't know which one to go to.

All were tilted and some fell.

Then, he noticed a golden glow.

He ran towards it at full speed.

Until, he saw what he was looking for - the golden dragon.

' Mmmmm...' The dragon muttered, not noticing James. He was just trying so hard to lift both the pole and the tree.

Then, -- whoosh! -- the tree and pole were standing, just falling again.

James noticed the dragon had a tiny unicorn horn on head.

Then, before the tree and pole could fall again, a golden bubble started forming on the horn.

It wasn't exactly the shape of a bubble, it was the shape of the horn.

The same golden layer started to form on the other trees and poles that fell.

Then, something strange happened.

They all started to lift up, and come back in place.

Many poles and trees started to fix.

Then, the job was finished.

Now, the dragon noticed James.

He gasped at James.

' A human saw me!' He cried. ' Now he will tell everyone!'

James heard that. ' No. I won't tell anyone about you. I--I am just surprised, I never saw a dragon before.'

' Maybe because you believe in them,' said the Dragon, ' that's why you saw me.'

' I am James.' James said.

' I am the Guardian of the Sun and Water, the most rarest dragon anyone can ever see.'

' Water? Guardian of the Sun makes more sense.'

The Guardian shook his head, ' I also have spots like a koi fish, but they are only on my talons and tails.'


James looked at his talons and tails.

Indeed, there were some red spots.

But, WOW!

The dragon had two tails!

On the end of each tails were 5-10 feathers.

' James, you need to get home now.' The Guardian said, ' Come on my back and I will take you home.'

James jumped on his back, and the dragon took off to the sky.

It was wonderful, able to see and ride on a dragon.

James felt very comfy, with the light of the dragon, and some cool and lovely breeze blew on the city.

James looked down.

Looking down from the dragon's back, James was very delighted. It felt like being in a dream.

As he looked down, the whole world was spread across to him like a map.

This world is like a giant garden just made for you, when you see up above from here. It's like being in heaven and watching the world's wonders from up above. 

A giant swirl of wavy clouds touched James, and he loved the cotton touch of the clouds.


There was a window, and James recognized it, because of the things inside and the way it was designed.

There was a candle on the desk, and binoculars.


' Is that your bedroom?' Said the dragon, pointing to the exact same spot where James's bedroom was located.


' Yes,' said James.

The dragon zoomed there with a gush of speed, and James loved the feeling of a giant gush of air spilling on his face.


The dragon floated beside the window.


' Quickly, get inside.'

James slipped open the window and went inside.

He left the window open, and he saw a golden dragon flying gracefully.

James closed the window, and went to sleep.


The next day, James looked outside again.

Everything that happened yesterday, was it all true?


James quickly dressed, went downstairs and wore his shoes.

He left out the door, and went to the exact same place he went last night.

Then, he saw something glowing on the ground.

He ran to it, and picked it up.

It was as shiny as the golden dragon, it was a feather.

Then James remembered something.

On the end of each tail the dragon had, there were golden feathers.

And.. this feather had the same color.

The guardian left this for James.

James smiled, and looked up at the sky.


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