Thursday 30 March 2023

Get Caribbean Passport in 4 months

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GS Consultancy
St Lucia
Citizenship-by-Investment Programme
Required donation is around
USD 100,000
Full citizenship
with passport granted
Visa-free travel to
146 countries
No minimum presence
St Lucia
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St Lucia is an independent Commonwealth State, having gained independence from the UK on 22 February 1979. The country is located in the Eastern Caribbean and has a beautiful mountain terrain, including Mount Gimie and the Pitons, which are the island's most famous landmarks.
An educated workforce and improvements in roads, communications, water supply, sewerage and port facilities have attracted significant foreign investment in the tourism and offshore banking industries. Tourism remains the country's main source of jobs and income and accounts for 65% of the GDP.
Key Advantages
Visa-free travel to 146 countries including the EU, the UK, Singapore and Hong Kong
Full citizenship with passport granted to main applicant, spouse, children, and parents or grandparents
Required donation is around USD 100,000
Offers citizenship by descent for future children
Lowest capital outlay for a single applicant across all Caribbean program
No minimum presence requirement
A genuine, natural landscape of gorgeous palm-fringed beaches, miles of unspoiled rainforest and the majestic Piton Mountains, are sure to indulge every taste
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Requirements / Investment Options
The St Lucia Citizenship-by-Investment Programme requires an applicant to make a significant financial investment into the country in return for citizenship for the applicant and his/her family.
To qualify for citizenship, the main applicant must be over 18 years of age, meet the due diligence requirements and select one of the following four options:
  A non-refundable donation to the National Economic Fund starting around USD 100,000
  Purchase of non-interest bearing Government Bonds from USD 250,000
  Purchase of qualifying real-estate of a least USD 300,000 in a Government approved project
  An investment in an approved enterprise project for a minimum amount of USD 3.5 million and the creation of no less than three permanent jobs
St Lucia
Application Process
Sign client agreement  
Month 1
Initial due diligence. Sign client agreement, complete government forms and provide supporting documentation.
Application submitted  
Months 2-3
Application submitted. Government process and complete due diligence.
On approval  
Month 4
On approval, government contribution is made or real estate completed. Passports are issued.
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For complaints email Here
Green BIZ, Dubai, UAE


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