Monday 14 March 2022

A Lawn/Garden Hose Like You've Never Seen Before



This expanding hose will help you improve your gardening equipment! With up to 3x expandability and made of high-quality materials, say goodbye to leaks and welcome to ease of use and storage. Choose from five length options ranging from 25 feet to 175 feet, as well as two color options.

Shop Now











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"Today, Senator Sharpe speaking out about the disappearance of his son, begging him to come home, and begging the public for any answers." A video of an older man, dressed in a suit and tie appeared on screen.


       "Atlas?If you're out there, come home. I'm begging you. I'm begging for a phone call. Let me know that you're safe. And to the public-" The man pinched the bridge of his nose and breathed in heavily. "To the public, I beg you?If you've seen my son?If you have any information on him. I beg that you come forward. I'm offering a reward for whoever brings him back alive. One million in cash." 


        The video flipped back over to the table of news broadcasters. "A heartbreaking speech from a heartbroken father." 


          "Yes, it's been over two months now since 19 year old Atlas Sharpe was last seen by friends right here in New York City. Senator Sharpe and his late wife's only child."


         "Both father and son are in our hearts and prayers as police continue their investigation into his disappear-" The screen turned black. McKenna turned from the TV she'd been watching and faced her Aunt who held the remote in her hand. 


         "No!" Her Uncle protested through a mouthful of homemade bread. "Heidi, we were watching that!" 


         "No, Jimmie, I can't. Wars and terrorism and missing kids, its aweful. It's so depressing." 


          "It's pertinent information!" He called after her. He sighed heavily before stuffing another buttered slice of bread and cheese in his mouth and grumbling something incoherent as he got up from the table and walked away; Presumably to his office. 


          McKenna was left alone to silently eat her breakfast and listen to the muffled sounds of chaos coming from one of the bedrooms. "Mom, you've never made a big deal about how we spend our Saturday nights." 


          "I didn't say you can't go, just take McKenna with you." 


          One of the boys scoffed. "C'mon. We only have 3 tickets and I promised Becca a surprise." 


          "Your cousin has traveled all this way to see you-"


          "We didn't ask her to do that." 


          "James, come on," Sean coaxed. "Let it go. It'll be fun." 


          "I promised Becca! And I'm not a babysitter." 


           "She's only a year under me." Sean tried. "And Becca will understand." 


           "See!" Aunt Heidi cried adamantly. "It's settled then." 


            "Mom, no!" 


            "James!" She raised her voice. "This isn't a discussion. She's 18 today and she leaves tomorrow. Take her out. Show her the city. Enjoy being an older cousin. In fact! You can leave as soon as she's done with breakfast." 


           "Wait, what?" Sean asked. "No, no, I- I've got plans this afternoon." 


           "Seriously? You're going to complain about your plans after ruining mine?" James questioned. 


          McKenna chewed her bread in awkward silence as she heard the bedroom door creak open and their footsteps in the hall. "Hey Mackie, go get dressed," James ordered in an impressively nonchalant tone. She turned and considered him nervously.


           "Are we going somewhere?" 


          "Yeah, to the city."


          It was everything she'd been wanting. Almost. For the past week she'd managed to enjoy herself, barely. After her Aunt and Uncle begged her parents to send her up for Spring Break, she'd passed most of the time by being her Aunt's personal doll. She was dressed up and paraded around, her hair done, nails manicured, taken out with friends. As the only female in the family under the age of 40, she was spoiled rotten in all the ways that made her feel uncomfortable, but she smiled and laughed politely, engaging in conversation, and her evenings had been spent playing board games with her Uncle. Her older cousins popped in and out of the house, always polite enough to throw her a quick hello before running back to their own work and social lives. And the anxious knot in her stomach only grew. 


            They were finally offering her a smidget of their time and attention that she'd yearned for since she was a pre-teen The same adoration, hugs and kisses they had wrapped her in when she was the adorable baby of the family. But things had changed. Her heart deceived her and claimed they didn't love her anymore, and this offer was clearly forced. As much as she wanted this, she didn't want their pity, or the guilt that ate at her gut. 


             She smiled with as much confidence as she could. Acting had always been a strong suit for her. "Oh you don't have to do that for my sake. I'm fine here. Really." 


              Sean glared daggers into his older brother as if he could telepathically reprimand him for what he'd said earlier. Although he couldn't be sure, from McKenna's response he was quite nearly sure that she must have overheard their discussion. James shrugged. "You've got two options: To go out with us, or spend your 18th birthday watching world news with my Dad."


           She sighed quietly, knowing she'd be kicking herself either way. "I'll be just a moment then." 


            The day actually turned out fairly well. The boys were crabby at first over canceling their plans but after getting some coffee and taking her along to a city skatepark to watch skate-rats attempt some high flying tricks, they were in a much better mood. Since they were in a better mood, so was she, and this is when Sean and James managed to actually show their cousin a good time. 


            They took her to the Japanese Gardens, and then to the Peculiarium, and then to the food trucks and onto Voodoo Donuts. When asked where she wanted to go, McKenna asked to see the Holocaust Museum. A choice that struck them as odd and possibly even tedious, but they obliged her. Walking through, the girl was quiet as she looked at the horrifying and heart breaking pictures. 


            It was Sean who broke the silence first after they had nearly finished the exhibition. "I knew about the Holocaust?and yet I didn't know. These are crimes against humanity." Curious, McKenna moved towards him to see what he was looking at that had prompted this speech. Without looking at the caption first, she assumed correctly what the disturbing image pictured. "All this to destroy one race." He murmured. 


            "No," McKenna mused aloud. "Not one race. Jews were the majority, but the Holocaust was a war against everything that didn't fit into one man's ideal. Homosexuals, Blacks, mixed-raced, Jehovah's Witnesses and others who refused to take up arms. They were all attacked." 


              "God." She turned to the voice that had uttered the profanity and found James standing behind them. "This is how you wanted to spend your 18th birthday? Staring at pictures of piles of human ashes?" 


              She shrugged. "I think it's a fitting way to enter adulthood. I'm old enough to vote, I'm old enough to go to war. I should know what the consequences can look like." 


            "Whatever you say, Mackie." She could practically see him rolling his eyes behind her.  "There's a pub nearby and I need a beer after all this." 


              James was the only one who could have a beer, and he savored enjoying it in their presence. "It's too bad we're not in England right now," Sean grumbled over his ginger-beer. "Then you and I could buy our own beer. A whole pint if we wanted." McKenna said nothing in response, only smiled and raised her brow. 


             "So," James started. "What got you interested in the Holocaust? It seems like you know just about everything about it." 


            She rolled plump lips together as she mulled over her response. "I guess back in middle school, we learned a bit about World War 1, and ever since then it's just been a personal hobby, studying the world wars, the fall of empires, and everything in between." 


           Sean and James glanced at each other. "Your hobby is studying everything wrong with the world?" James asked sarcastically. 


            "I thought you liked dancing," Sean mused. 


            "I love to do a lot of things, including dance," she affirmed. "And I know being interested in wars and war crimes is really weird-"


             "Yeah," Sean laughed. 


             She smiled."But it's not so much what happened that interests me, but why and how to prevent it from happening again." 


             James laughed in disbelief. "You planning to save the world single-handedly?" 


             She shook her head. "I wish it was possible but it's not. I'll go to college. I'll pay my bills. I'll donate to charity. Maybe I'll spend some vacation time volunteering overseas to save the ocean or help kids in third world countries. I just want to live life as peacefully as I can."


              James and Sean were quiet as they mulled this over. James threw back the rest of his beer and said, "The world would probably be cured if everyone had the same goals as you." 


               She considered him thoughtfully. "You don't think I should have more ambition?" 


                He shrugged. "Why? Is there someone who thinks you do?" She gave him a small shrug in answer. "So what if you don't want to be President? No one would take you seriously with that face anyways." And her bully of an older cousin was back. 


                McKenna glared playfully, pulling her most serious look. "And what's that supposed to mean?" 


                It was Sean who pointed an index finger right at her nose and laughed. "It's that right there. Even when you're pissed you look adorable." Despite trying to be taken somewhat seriously her lips pulled taught with the need to laugh and she waved them off with eye roll. 


               It was after 4pm when they arrived at the Moda Center for the concert after taking their sweet time wandering downtown. The crowds were already packing in. Her cousins, being tall and able to see somewhat through the crowd, didn't seem concerned much about where they were or where they were headed. McKenna's smaller than average stature however was making her experience less than enjoyable. Her view was nothing but chests and shoulders pressing in and jostling her as unobservant people didn't watch out for those they were nearly trampling.


            Finally she caught sight of Sean's beaver mascot on the back of his black hoodie. Without prior thought, she reached out and grabbed hold of the fabric. The man in the hoodie startled and turned to look over his shoulder. Seeing her, Sean smiled questioningly but allowed her to cling to him as he followed his brother through the crowd. Despite her hold on him and how easily the boys pushed through, she still felt like at any moment she was going to lose them, and then suddenly they stopped moving. 


            ?Becca?? She heard James' voice question. ?What are you doing here?? It was a tall young woman he was speaking to, with long, straight blond hair. 


            ?Me?? She laughed with a beautiful white smile. ?What are you doing here?? 


            He laughed awkwardly. ?Well that's kind of funny. I know Lorde is your favorite artist and Sean and I got tickets and I had an extra one, but then I forgot that my cousin was going to be in town and that it's her 18th birthday today so?Heh. Do me a favor and make me look like a cousin that didn't screw up so badly.? 


            She laughed again and kissed him. ?On one condition. I get to meet her.? 


            ?Yeah of course.? He turned around but kept his arm wrapped around her waist. ?Becca meet-? His eyes darted around their immediate space. ?McKenna??


             Sean met his eyes and his brow furrowed before he whipped around to look behind him. ?What? I swear she was just here. She was holding onto my sweatshirt. I felt it.? 


             ?Mackie?!? James shouted. Different people glared at him or looked around questioningly. 


              ?She couldn't have gone far,? Sean suggested. ?Just call her.? 


               ?I don't have her number,? James admitted.


               Sean pulled out his phone. ?Okay I think I have it.? He typed her name into his phone and called. James watched his brother put his cell to his ear, watched him wait, and then watched his brow furrow in confusion. Sean's free hand reached behind his head into the hood of his sweatshirt and pulled out a ringing phone with a silicone sea turtle case that both boys recognized. ?What the hell?? He looked up at James and they both blinked, trying to figure out what they were missing. 


              ?What does she look like?? Becca asked. 


              ?Uh,? James stammered. ?She's uh, she's mixed, kinda tannish skin, short curly hair like just past her ears,? he motioned to his own ears to show his girlfriend.


              Becca nodded and turned to her friend that she had come with. ?Ellie, did you see a teenage girl like that??


               The woman shook her head. ?No.? 


                Sean tapped the shoulder of a stranger nearest to him. ?Excuse me sir, did you see a teenage girl about yay high with a dark curly bob??


                 The man shook his head. ?Sorry man.? 




                 ?Excuse me, ma'am.?


                 ?Excuse me, sir.?


                 "McKenna! Where are you?!"


                 ?Hi, sorry, I'm looking for a teenage girl, kinda on the short side, dark curly bob??


                 ?I need to find my little cousin. She's 18, looks younger, dark short curly hair. She's wearing a jean jacket." 


                 Even with Becca and Ellie helping with the search, even checking both men's and women's bathrooms, they turned up nothing. 2 hours later, security was notified. Throughout the concert and after, every face was checked. Then backstage. At midnight, Becca, James, and Sean went to the nearest police station. The police were straight forward with them. "You have to wait 24 hours to report someone missing." 


              They returned to their parents house without McKenna. Jimmie cursed and paced. Heidi cried and called her brother. James and Sean sat on the couch with their knuckles digging into their foreheads. 


               "She's only 18 for God's sake!" Their mother sobbed angrily. "I know that's legally an adult but you were still supposed to watch her! How could you be so careless!" 


               "She could have just gotten lost," Sean optimized. "She'll find a pay phone and she'll call us." 


                Heidi went silent The calm tension just before she thundered. "What?! So she just wandered out of the arena by herself without her phone?! Just got bored and didn't say anything to you?! ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?!" 


             "Heidi!" Her husband wrapped his arms around her in an effort to calm her down. She pushed him away and scrubbed the tears from her cheeks. 


             "The dog is bigger than she is," She sobbed, gesturing to the Newfoundland who sat at the foot of the couch with his massive head cocked to the side in concern. "How could you let her out of your sight?" 


               McKenna Keller missed her 7am flight back to San Francisco. 


                At 5pm on the dot, 24 hours after her disappearance, her Uncle officially reported her missing. At 6pm, two police officers sat down with the members of her family that had last seen her. 


              "Your names and ages please."


              "James Thatcher. I'm 23."


               "Sean Thatcher, I'm 19." 


               "Beavers or Ducks?" 


               "Uh, Beavers sir." 


                The older officer nodded. "My daughter's a Junior. So give me an idea of the last time you saw the girl in question." 


                "4:46." Sean answered. Both officers' eyebrows raised and they looked up to him. 


               "That's specific." 


               "My call history says I called her at 4:48. She was holding onto my sweatshirt as we were walking. I felt her pulling on it all the way up until we met his girlfriend, Rebecca. There couldn't have been more than 2 minutes in that time span if even that." 


              "You tried to call her. There was no answer?" 


               The younger boy shook his head."I found her phone ringing in the hood of my hoodie. I didn't even feel her put it there." 


               ?Did she act strangely? Was there anything off about her behavior?? They shook their heads. ?Was there anyone acting suspicious around you? Did anyone catch your attention even for a second??




This expanding hose will help you improve your gardening equipment! With up to 3x expandability and made of high-quality materials, say goodbye to leaks and welcome to ease of use and storage. Choose from five length options ranging from 25 feet to 175 feet, as well as two color options.

Shop Now













"Today, Senator Sharpe speaking out about the disappearance of his son, begging him to come home, and begging the public for any answers." A video of an older man, dressed in a suit and tie appeared on screen.


       "Atlas?If you're out there, come home. I'm begging you. I'm begging for a phone call. Let me know that you're safe. And to the public-" The man pinched the bridge of his nose and breathed in heavily. "To the public, I beg you?If you've seen my son?If you have any information on him. I beg that you come forward. I'm offering a reward for whoever brings him back alive. One million in cash." 


        The video flipped back over to the table of news broadcasters. "A heartbreaking speech from a heartbroken father." 


          "Yes, it's been over two months now since 19 year old Atlas Sharpe was last seen by friends right here in New York City. Senator Sharpe and his late wife's only child."


         "Both father and son are in our hearts and prayers as police continue their investigation into his disappear-" The screen turned black. McKenna turned from the TV she'd been watching and faced her Aunt who held the remote in her hand. 


         "No!" Her Uncle protested through a mouthful of homemade bread. "Heidi, we were watching that!" 


         "No, Jimmie, I can't. Wars and terrorism and missing kids, its aweful. It's so depressing." 


          "It's pertinent information!" He called after her. He sighed heavily before stuffing another buttered slice of bread and cheese in his mouth and grumbling something incoherent as he got up from the table and walked away; Presumably to his office. 


          McKenna was left alone to silently eat her breakfast and listen to the muffled sounds of chaos coming from one of the bedrooms. "Mom, you've never made a big deal about how we spend our Saturday nights." 


          "I didn't say you can't go, just take McKenna with you." 


          One of the boys scoffed. "C'mon. We only have 3 tickets and I promised Becca a surprise." 


          "Your cousin has traveled all this way to see you-"


          "We didn't ask her to do that." 


          "James, come on," Sean coaxed. "Let it go. It'll be fun." 


          "I promised Becca! And I'm not a babysitter." 


           "She's only a year under me." Sean tried. "And Becca will understand." 


           "See!" Aunt Heidi cried adamantly. "It's settled then." 


            "Mom, no!" 


            "James!" She raised her voice. "This isn't a discussion. She's 18 today and she leaves tomorrow. Take her out. Show her the city. Enjoy being an older cousin. In fact! You can leave as soon as she's done with breakfast." 


           "Wait, what?" Sean asked. "No, no, I- I've got plans this afternoon." 


           "Seriously? You're going to complain about your plans after ruining mine?" James questioned. 


          McKenna chewed her bread in awkward silence as she heard the bedroom door creak open and their footsteps in the hall. "Hey Mackie, go get dressed," James ordered in an impressively nonchalant tone. She turned and considered him nervously.


           "Are we going somewhere?" 


          "Yeah, to the city."


          It was everything she'd been wanting. Almost. For the past week she'd managed to enjoy herself, barely. After her Aunt and Uncle begged her parents to send her up for Spring Break, she'd passed most of the time by being her Aunt's personal doll. She was dressed up and paraded around, her hair done, nails manicured, taken out with friends. As the only female in the family under the age of 40, she was spoiled rotten in all the ways that made her feel uncomfortable, but she smiled and laughed politely, engaging in conversation, and her evenings had been spent playing board games with her Uncle. Her older cousins popped in and out of the house, always polite enough to throw her a quick hello before running back to their own work and social lives. And the anxious knot in her stomach only grew. 


            They were finally offering her a smidget of their time and attention that she'd yearned for since she was a pre-teen. The same adoration, hugs and kisses they had wrapped her in when she was the adorable baby of the family. But things had changed. Her heart deceived her and claimed they didn't love her anymore, and this offer was clearly forced. As much as she wanted this, she didn't want their pity, or the guilt that ate at her gut. 


             She smiled with as much confidence as she could. Acting had always been a strong suit for her. "Oh you don't have to do that for my sake. I'm fine here. Really." 


              Sean glared daggers into his older brother as if he could telepathically reprimand him for what he'd said earlier. Although he couldn't be sure, from McKenna's response he was quite nearly sure that she must have overheard their discussion. James shrugged. "You've got two options: To go out with us, or spend your 18th birthday watching world news with my Dad."


           She sighed quietly, knowing she'd be kicking herself either way. "I'll be just a moment then." 


            The day actually turned out fairly well. The boys were crabby at first over canceling their plans but after getting some coffee and taking her along to a city skatepark to watch skate-rats attempt some high flying tricks, they were in a much better mood. Since they were in a better mood, so was she, and this is when Sean and James managed to actually show their cousin a good time. 


            They took her to the Japanese Gardens, and then to the Peculiarium, and then to the food trucks and onto Voodoo Donuts. When asked where she wanted to go, McKenna asked to see the Holocaust Museum. A choice that struck them as odd and possibly even tedious, but they obliged her. Walking through, the girl was quiet as she looked at the horrifying and heart breaking pictures. 


            It was Sean who broke the silence first after they had nearly finished the exhibition. "I knew about the Holocaust?and yet I didn't know. These are crimes against humanity." Curious, McKenna moved towards him to see what he was looking at that had prompted this speech. Without looking at the caption first, she assumed correctly what the disturbing image pictured. "All this to destroy one race." He murmured. 


            "No," McKenna mused aloud. "Not one race. Jews were the majority, but the Holocaust was a war against everything that didn't fit into one man's ideal. Homosexuals, Blacks, mixed-raced, Jehovah's Witnesses and others who refused to take up arms. They were all attacked." 


              "God." She turned to the voice that had uttered the profanity and found James standing behind them. "This is how you wanted to spend your 18th birthday? Staring at pictures of piles of human ashes?" 


              She shrugged. "I think it's a fitting way to enter adulthood. I'm old enough to vote, I'm old enough to go to war. I should know what the consequences can look like." 


            "Whatever you say, Mackie." She could practically see him rolling his eyes behind her.  "There's a pub nearby and I need a beer after all this." 


              James was the only one who could have a beer, and he savored enjoying it in their presence. "It's too bad we're not in England right now," Sean grumbled over his ginger-beer. "Then you and I could buy our own beer. A whole pint if we wanted." McKenna said nothing in response, only smiled and raised her brow 


             "So," James started. "What got you interested in the Holocaust? It seems like you know just about everything about it." 


            She rolled plump lips together as she mulled over her response. "I guess back in middle school, we learned a bit about World War 1, and ever since then it's just been a personal hobby, studying the world wars, the fall of empires, and everything in between." 


           Sean and James glanced at each other. "Your hobby is studying everything wrong with the world?" James asked sarcastically. 


            "I thought you liked dancing," Sean mused. 


            "I love to do a lot of things, including dance," she affirmed. "And I know being interested in wars and war crimes is really weird-"


             "Yeah," Sean laughed. 


             She smiled."But it's not so much what happened that interests me, but why and how to prevent it from happening again." 


             James laughed in disbelief. "You planning to save the world single-handedly?" 


             She shook her head. "I wish it was possible but it's not. I'll go to college. I'll pay my bills. I'll donate to charity. Maybe I'll spend some vacation time volunteering overseas to save the ocean or help kids in third world countries. I just want to live life as peacefully as I can."


              James and Sean were quiet as they mulled this over. James threw back the rest of his beer and said, "The world would probably be cured if everyone had the same goals as you." 


               She considered him thoughtfully. "You don't think I should have more ambition?" 


                He shrugged. "Why? Is there someone who thinks you do?" She gave him a small shrug in answer. "So what if you don't want to be President? No one would take you seriously with that face anyways." And her bully of an older cousin was back. 


                McKenna glared playfully, pulling her most serious look. "And what's that supposed to mean?" 


                It was Sean who pointed an index finger right at her nose and laughed. "It's that right there. Even when you're pissed you look adorable." Despite trying to be taken somewhat seriously her lips pulled taught with the need to laugh and she waved them off with eye roll. 


               It was after 4pm when they arrived at the Moda Center for the concert after taking their sweet time wandering downtown. The crowds were already packing in. Her cousins, being tall and able to see somewhat through the crowd, didn't seem concerned much about where they were or where they were headed. McKenna's smaller than average stature however was making her experience less than enjoyable. Her view was nothing but chests and shoulders pressing in and jostling her as unobservant people didn't watch out for those they were nearly trampling.


            Finally she caught sight of Sean's beaver mascot on the back of his black hoodie. Without prior thought, she reached out and grabbed hold of the fabric. The man in the hoodie startled and turned to look over his shoulder. Seeing her, Sean smiled questioningly but allowed her to cling to him as he followed his brother through the crowd. Despite her hold on him and how easily the boys pushed through, she still felt like at any moment she was going to lose them, and then suddenly they stopped moving. 


            ?Becca?? She heard James' voice question ?What are you doing here?? It was a tall young woman he was speaking to, with long, straight blond hair. 


            ?Me?? She laughed with a beautiful white smile. ?What are you doing here?? 


            He laughed awkwardly. ?Well that's kind of funny. I know Lorde is your favorite artist and Sean and I got tickets and I had an extra one, but then I forgot that my cousin was going to be in town and that it's her 18th birthday today so?Heh. Do me a favor and make me look like a cousin that didn't screw up so badly.? 


            She laughed again and kissed him. ?On one condition. I get to meet her.? 


            ?Yeah of course.? He turned around but kept his arm wrapped around her waist. ?Becca meet-? His eyes darted around their immediate space. ?McKenna??


             Sean met his eyes and his brow furrowed before he whipped around to look behind him. ?What? I swear she was just here. She was holding onto my sweatshirt. I felt it.? 


             ?Mackie?!? James shouted. Different people glared at him or looked around questioningly. 


              ?She couldn't have gone far,? Sean suggested. ?Just call her.? 


               ?I don't have her number,? James admitted.


               Sean pulled out his phone. ?Okay I think I have it.? He typed her name into his phone and called. James watched his brother put his cell to his ear, watched him wait, and then watched his brow furrow in confusion. Sean's free hand reached behind his head into the hood of his sweatshirt and pulled out a ringing phone with a silicone sea turtle case that both boys recognized. ?What the hell?? He looked up at James and they both blinked, trying to figure out what they were missing. 


              ?What does she look like?? Becca asked. 


              ?Uh,? James stammered. ?She's uh, she's mixed, kinda tannish skin, short curly hair like just past her ears,? he motioned to his own ears to show his girlfriend.


              Becca nodded and turned to her friend that she had come with. ?Ellie, did you see a teenage girl like that??


               The woman shook her head. ?No.? 


                Sean tapped the shoulder of a stranger nearest to him. ?Excuse me sir, did you see a teenage girl about yay high with a dark curly bob??


                 The man shook his head. ?Sorry man.? 




                 ?Excuse me, ma'am.?


                 ?Excuse me, sir.?


                 "McKenna! Where are you?!"


                 ?Hi, sorry, I'm looking for a teenage girl, kinda on the short side, dark curly bob??


                 ?I need to find my little cousin. She's 18, looks younger, dark short curly hair. She's wearing a jean jacket." 


                 Even with Becca and Ellie helping with the search, even checking both men's and women's bathrooms, they turned up nothing. 2 hours later, security was notified. Throughout the concert and after, every face was checked. Then backstage. At midnight, Becca, James, and Sean went to the nearest police station. The police were straight forward with them. "You have to wait 24 hours to report someone missing." 


              They returned to their parents house without McKenna. Jimmie cursed and paced. Heidi cried and called her brother. James and Sean sat on the couch with their knuckles digging into their foreheads. 


               "She's only 18 for God's sake!" Their mother sobbed angrily. "I know that's legally an adult but you were still supposed to watch her! How could you be so careless!" 


               "She could have just gotten lost," Sean optimized. "She'll find a pay phone and she'll call us." 


                Heidi went silent. The calm tension just before she thundered. "What?! So she just wandered out of the arena by herself without her phone?! Just got bored and didn't say anything to you?! ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?!" 


             "Heidi!" Her husband wrapped his arms around her in an effort to calm her down. She pushed him away and scrubbed the tears from her cheeks. 


             "The dog is bigger than she is," She sobbed, gesturing to the Newfoundland who sat at the foot of the couch with his massive head cocked to the side in concern. "How could you let her out of your sight?" 


               McKenna Keller missed her 7am flight back to San Francisco. 


                At 5pm on the dot, 24 hours after her disappearance, her Uncle officially reported her missing. At 6pm, two police officers sat down with the members of her family that had last seen her. 


              "Your names and ages please."


              "James Thatcher. I'm 23"


               "Sean Thatcher, I'm 19." 


               "Beavers or Ducks?" 


               "Uh, Beavers sir." 


                The older officer nodded. "My daughter's a Junior. So give me an idea of the last time you saw the girl in question." 


                "4:46." Sean answered. Both officers' eyebrows raised and they looked up to him. 


               "That's specific." 


               "My call history says I called her at 4:48. She was holding onto my sweatshirt as we were walking. I felt her pulling on it all the way up until we met his girlfriend, Rebecca. There couldn't have been more than 2 minutes in that time span if even that." 


              "You tried to call her. There was no answer?" 


               The younger boy shook his head."I found her phone ringing in the hood of my hoodie. I didn't even feel her put it there." 


               ?Did she act strangely? Was there anything off about her behavior?? They shook their heads. ?Was there anyone acting suspicious around you? Did anyone catch your attention even for a second??




               The officer sighed. ?Is there anything you can tell us that could be useful in finding her??


                James scrubbed his face with his hands. ?We don't know anything! She was there one minute, she was gone the next.?


                ?Alright,? the officer soothed. ?We're distributing her photographs to the local news stations and papers. Why don't you tell us about her personality.?


                 He shrugged and rolled his eyes in frustration. ?She's smart. The type of kid that actually enjoys school.?


                  Sean piped in. ?She asks politely to fight you when she plays Risk.?


                 ?She's tough.? James murmured. ?She wouldn't let anything happen to her without putting up a damn good fight. Apart from that, we barely know her ourselves.?


                 ?Well hopefully she just got a bit lost,? the officer said. They closed their notepads, shook their hands, and left the room. The two brothers were left alone sitting on their couch while their parents talked to the officers outside. The room was quiet. Only the sound of their own thoughts in their heads.


                 Eventually Sean whispered in a dazed tone what they were both thinking. ?She's not just lost is she??


                 Inquiries were made. Security and even ticket holders from the concert were interviewed. Parents, grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles, friends, from both sides of the family mourned her disappearance. Because McKenna did in fact disappear without a single trace. Weeks passed. School started up again. Her senior class graduated without her. Summer ended. Her best friend started freshman year of college without her. Despite prayers and tears, months turned to years and the world kept turning.



               The officer sighed. ?Is there anything you can tell us that could be useful in finding her??


                James scrubbed his face with his hands. ?We don't know anything! She was there one minute, she was gone the next.?


                ?Alright,? the officer soothed. ?We're distributing her photographs to the local news stations and papers. Why don't you tell us about her personality.?


                 He shrugged and rolled his eyes in frustration. ?She's smart. The type of kid that actually enjoys school.?


                  Sean piped in. ?She asks politely to fight you when she plays Risk.?


                 ?She's tough.? James murmured. ?She wouldn't let anything happen to her without putting up a damn good fight. Apart from that, we barely know her ourselves.?


                 ?Well hopefully she just got a bit lost,? the officer said. They closed their notepads, shook their hands, and left the room. The two brothers were left alone sitting on their couch while their parents talked to the officers outside. The room was quiet. Only the sound of their own thoughts in their heads.


                 Eventually Sean whispered in a dazed tone what they were both thinking. ?She's not just lost is she??


                 Inquiries were made. Security and even ticket holders from the concert were interviewed. Parents, grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles, friends, from both sides of the family mourned her disappearance. Because McKenna did in fact disappear without a single trace. Weeks passed. School started up again. Her senior class graduated without her. Summer ended. Her best friend started freshman year of college without her. Despite prayers and tears, months turned to years and the world kept turning.

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