Monday 31 January 2022

Open a Business Branch Office in UK with Zero Investment

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UK Overseas Business Representative Visa
Attention Business Owners and Shareholders
Get UK Residency in Just 90 Days
with Zero Investment
+ No minimum invesment required
+ Full access to UK healthcare and education for your family
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+ Approval in 3 weeks from the application date
+ Visa free access to 183 countries
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+ Open a branch office of existing business with no investment
+ Full refund on rejection*
Register for Free Consultation Today >>>
Start you Fast track application today
+ Dedicated senior UK immigration case manager
+ Dedicated UK accountant for Tax advice
+ Dedicated UK lawyer
+ UK business plan
+ Full PRO service for UK company formation
+ Company incorporation certificate
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Cost   Standard charging structure
22,500. (£250 per hour)
Exclusive Fixed rate offer of
£17,500 for the month of January
Payment Plan
1st Payment
Initial Deposit
2nd Payment
On Business Plan Completion
3rd Payment
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What is a sole representative visa?
You can apply to come to the UK as a representative of an overseas business if you are from outside the EEA and Switzerland, and you are:
Recruited and employed by a company whose headquarters and principal place of business are outside the UK
Have extensive and related industry experience and knowledge
Hold a senior position within the company - CEO, MD, CIO, CFO, OWNER, SHAREHOLDER ETC
Register for Free Consultation Today >>>
Advantages & Benefits
You can:
1. Work for your employer full time
2. Bring your family (dependents) with you to the UK
3. Apply to settle in the UK after you have completed 5 years
You don't have to:
1. Show any investments
2. Maintain any maintenance funds
3. Stay continuously in the UK
You receive:
1. Free Medical (NHS) for all the family
2. Free education for children under 18 years
3. Full time job for the spouse
Register for Free Consultation Today >>>
* Refund available as per the terms and condition
For complaints email Here
Green BIZ, Dubai, UAE


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Chapter 1

?Lydia!!! hurry up you will be late for school,? yelled mom. I was still in my room trying to put on my tight air Jordans.

I had stayed up all night again trying to finish the new series, Riverdale. I rushed down the stairs, went to the kitchen, stuffed the sweet pancakes that my mum makes into my mouth, and rushed outside just in time to catch the school bus.

As I came out of the bus, I rushed to my class just in time to start Physics class.

Oh wow, just the perfect subject to start the day.

I sat down beside my two best friends, Chloe and Rachel, who had already slept off from the exhausting words of our teacher, Mr. Luther.

After class, I woke up Chloe and Rachel

?Has the class ended already?? yawned Chloe.

?Wake up silly.?

?How can we not sleep when Mr. Luther is talking,? said Rachel.

We all laughed.

We came out of the class and guess who we saw walking on the corridor with her accompanies;

Mackenzie Bell, the meanest, most annoying, but still the most gorgeous senior in the whole of Scarsdale High School; I wish the ground could swallow me right now cause I didn't want anyone to start insulting me about almost everything at the time.

Before I could run away quickly she was at my front, with her long and curly hair, her new season sneakers, her to-die-for pink cute dress, and?..

?Weirdo get out of my way, the large pimple on your head is blinding me!? yelled Mackenzie

?What about your?..? I had nothing to say I couldn't see any fault in her.

Chloe and Rachel dragged me away before I could disgrace myself more than I already had.

?Don't mind her she's just jealous of how much of a star you are,? hissed Chloe.

?Aww thank you guys always have a way to brighten up my mood.?


Chapter 2

Thank God the last class of the day has finally ended.

?Well that was nice, now time to go home and have a good nap,? yawned Rachel.


As we went out of the class Principal Heather started announcing through the speakers:

?Listen up students of Scarsdale High, there is going to be an upcoming competition next week Thursday; It's about the group who can make the biggest cookie ever. Your group has to be a maximum of five people and a minimum of two, you can get your tickets from Mrs. Smith. The winners will get a golden cookie trophy and tickets to Demi Lovato's Concert. Good luck students and may the best group win.?

?The biggest cookie ever huh; how is that gonna be possible?? said Chloe.

?It's possible guys, let us accomplish something in this school for the first time in our lives? I pleaded.

?And imagine tickets to Demi Lovato's Concert! Maybe we will get the respect we need in this school.?

?That sounds cool,? they both chorused

?First off we need to learn how to make cookies,? I laughed

?So we are meeting at my house right?? asked Rachel


?Well I know I am already winning this competition, so don't bother entering,? boasted Mackenzie.

It had to be her, she always participated in everything and always won. Maybe she was always bribing the judges. Ughh! and she happens to be a great cook, I don't think I have a chance.

Yeah she was still in front of me waiting for my reply, I was tired of always being quiet so I spoke back:

?Mackenzie, I don't have your time, and this year is my time so back off. And Rachel happens to be a very great baker so you don't stand a chance?

?Haa let us see who doesn't stand a chance,? sneered Mackenzie.

And then she walked away, FINALLY.

?Now we are going to make sure we win that trophy and those tickets!? yelled Chloe.

?Yesss!? we chorused.


Chapter 3

At home, I started searching on the web for the best cookie recipes and how to make them extra-large, when I heard a large knock on the door.

It was Chloe and Rachel.

?Let's get to work ladies,? said Rachel.

" I thought we were doing it at your house?? I asked

?Well, change of plans,? replied Rachel

?My house was fumigated, cause we spotted a large rat in my wardrobe and Chloe doesn't want it to be done in her house so you are our only option.?

?Anyhow come in ladies,? I said

?Yayyy? they both chorused.

?So I've been searching online for some great cookie recipes and large ones too and I think I found the perfect one,? I said

?That is the chocolate chip cookie by Joy Food Sunshine; I think this will work.?

?Sounds great I love chocolate chip cookies,? said Chloe

?Obviously, you love everything you food monger,? I laughed.

We all laughed.

So we got all the ingredients and got to work. Obviously, we failed a million times; cause it was either the cookies were too flat or they were too chewy, or they were undercooked or they just tasted horrible, or they were not BIG ENOUGH. But we didn't stop there we tried and tried again until we finally got it.

?Okay ladies it's time to bring it out of the oven, I hope it works this time,? I sighed.

?It better,? yawned Rachel.

So I brought it out of the oven and waited for it to get cool before we all tried it.

?OMGG!! it's delicious,? shouted Chloe

?And very big too,? I added.

?Here's to a job well-done ladies,? said Rachel.

?I am certain nobody can beat this, not even Mackenzie Bell.?

?Yessir!? we all chorused.


Chapter 4

The day of the competition had finally come, very few guys had registered turns lots of guys don't enjoy making cookies.

?I hope we didn't forget anything,? I said

?No,? replied Rachel.

?Let us go out there and show them who's boss.?


?Now that's the spirit,? laughed Chloe

Just the person I didn't want to set my eyes upon, Mackenzie Bell. Looking all nice and elegant at all times. Right behind her was the biggest and finest looking cookie. Oh! Mackenzie, she has struck again can she just allow me to win this year.

?Oh boy how can we beat this now,? said Rachel

?Fret not we have tried our best may the best group win,? I said.

?Hey losers, that's an ugly looking cookie you got there and not as big as mine I told you, you don't stand a chance,? said Mackenzie.

How did she walk up to me so fast well I guess it's time for me to talk back.

?Emm are you done so you can leave cause this is no place for haters like you,? I replied

?Youuu??.,? stuttered Mackenzie.

And then she walked away, finally.

?There you go girl,? said Chloe.

?Someone needed to teach that girl some manners,? said Rachel.

?Yh and I did that right,? I laughed.

We all laughed.


Chapter 5

?Ladies and gentlemen, let the competition begin,? announced Principal Heather.

?First off we have the Flying Deckers which is group one, what a nice cookie you got there. Neatly designed but is it big enough? Let's see, a diameter of 4m and it weighs 2 tonnes. Well, that's good. Let's give them a round of applause.?

After several groups, it was finally our turn. Been waiting for this moment.

?Next we have The Three Musketeers,? announced Principal Heather.

?This is really one big cookie, let's measure. Wow! it has a diameter of 20m and it weighs 10 tonnes. This is the best we have seen so far but will this be a winner??

?OMG! we actually have a chance of winning,? shouted Chloe.

?You know Mackenzie is next right,? I said.

?Oh well,? said Rachel

" Whatever happens, happens.?

?Next we have Mackenzie and the rest,? announced Principal Heather.

?Oh what a group name, now let's measure it has a diameter of 25 m and it weighs 15 tonnes. Wow, I think we have a winner here. Mackenzie and the rest?.. wait on a second is that a tube connected to your cookie, an air tube. Have you been pumping to your cookie to make it bigger? Oh, Mackenzie.?

?Oh no there's a big explanation for that, I deserve this award nobody else!? shouted Mackenzie.

?No that's cheating, so that means the golden cookie trophy and tickets to Demi Lovato's Concert goes to The Three Musketeers,? announced Principal Heather.

?OMG, we actually won!? I shouted

?Yess I knew we were always capable,? said Rachel.

" Well done girls we finally accomplished something,? said Chloe

Finally, we won The Three Musketeers what a funny name. After all that I learned is that practice makes perfect and if you fail the first time keep on trying until you get it right.


Aly was running late for her potions examine. Her friends Caleb and Nancy helped with the studying; she'd really need to pass in order to get her magicks license. If she did, she'll be able to perform advanced magic and make high-level potions. Aly always wanted to work in the family's apothecary shop but in order to do so, she needed to take the magic examine...all of them: spells, incantations, and potions. She'd passed the others with flying colors but she needed to pass potions to work in the shop.

"Please let them still be there," she pleaded. Aly climbed the steps to the examination room of her high shool. Hidden in Webster High was a magic school for witches, wizards, and any magical beings in-between. Alison Mayes was a witch and her friends were magical too; Caleb's a wizard and Nancy's a witch like Aly. She'd knew them since childhood...well Caleb actually. Nancy was later on in 4th grade "You're late, Ms. Mayes," her examiner said. "You were supposed to be here 5 minutes ago."

"I know, Mrs. Thorne, but there was a power outage last night so my alarm clock didn't go off."

"Excuses, Ms. Mayes. If you are going to be successful in life, you'll need to learn how to manage your time wisely. Do you understand?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Good. Now, let's begin. On the table are various potions. You'll need to make them correctly in order to pass. One mishap and you'll fail. You have 2 hours to complete." Mrs. Thorne said as she left the room.

"No pressure." Who was she kidding? It was plenty of pressure. "Okay, Aly, relax and everything will be fine." She began brewing the potions right away: one was for healing, one was for bringing luck and fortune, and lastly, one for protection After she was done, she'd poured them into the color bottles. Mrs. Thorne came back and inspected them. "Well?" Aly asked. "Did I pass?"

"Don't know. I'll have to take them to the Council to be examine. You'll wait for the results a week from today."

"A week?" What is she going to do until them? "Yes, a week. You're free to go."

A week flew by and it was a good thing because she was going stir crazy about the results of her tests; she was like this the last time for her spells and incantations tests. She was with her friends at the mall when her parents called with the results. "Really? Yes, yes, thanks for the good news." She hung up and relay the message. "That's great, Aly," said Nancy. "Yeah, you definitely earned it," said Caleb. "I know. All that work as finally paid off. This calls for a celebration. Ice cream is on me." Aly went to the mall's ice cream parlor while they waited outside.

"Well?" asked Nancy. "Well what?" asked Caleb. "Aren't you going to tell her?" Caleb blushed because he knew what she was referring to. "There's nothing to say, Nancy. Besides, I don't want to make things awkward between us."

"Awkward? Uh, hello, you're in love with her, Caleb. HOW could you not tell her?"

"It's complicated, okay?"

"How complicated can it be? You two known each other since you were in diapers."

"Exactly, I'd never expected to fall for Aly that fast." Caleb and Aly were close and be inseparatable but it wasn't until recently that he notice 'things' about Aly and the attraction that he has towards her. He'd recalled his sweaty hands and racing heart a few months ago and that's when he'd finally realized that he fallen for Aly; he just hope that she realized just how special she is to him before it's too late. "How hard is it to say the words, 'I love you' to her?"

"Very hard. I get nervous just thinking about it." Nancy shook her head. "Don't think, Caleb, just go for it. Who knows? Maybe she has feelings for you too."

Caleb doubted it but he said, "Okay." Aly returned with the ice cream and passed them out. "Cheers," she said. "Cheers," they said. Weeks went by and Aly was working at the shop when Caleb walked in. "Hey, Caleb, what's up?"

"Nothing, just walking around."

"Walking around, uh? I know you too well for that lie. Seriously, tell me what's really going on."

"Okay, you caught me. I came here to tell you something."

"What is it?" she asked. "I wanted you to know that..." He paused for a moment until he said, "...that my grandmother loved that healing salve and wanted to know if your mom would share the recipe with her so she could make it at home."

"Okay, I'll ask her but I'm not guaranteeing anything so don't get your hopes up."

"I understand, Aly. So, I'm going to go and I'll catch up with you at school on Monday." She had a feeling that he wanted to say something else but she let it slide...for now. "Uh, okay. See you at school." He waved good-bye and left, leaving Aly confused. Later on that night, she was doing math homework when Nancy called; she sounded exicted when Aly answered. "What are you so happy about?" she asked. "Duh, about you and Caleb."

"Me and Caleb, what?"

"What do you mean 'what'? Didn't he tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

"Unbelievable, he was supposed to tell you that he was in love with you." She was supposed to mumble it but Aly heard. "Caleb is what with me?"

"Oh, did I say that out loud?" Nancy asked. "Uh, yeah, you did. You said that Caleb is in love with me."

"Yes, I did and it's true. You two have know each other for the longest and it was bound to happen. So, do you feel the same way about him?" Nancy's question caught her off-guard Of course she did but didn't want to say anything out loud. Her heart started to race. "Well...maybe."

"Well, you need to figure it out and tell him. In fact, both of you need to say something soon." Nancy hung up, leaving Aly to her thoughts.

Over the weekend, Aly went through the motions and debating on whether or not to tell Caleb. On Monday, she made her decision and decided to tell him. She met him before school started. "Caleb, there's something that I need to tell you."

"Well, I do too." They confused at the same time and was shocked by what the other one said. "What?" he asked. "I like, no, love you, Caleb. Always have...I just didn't know to say it." She felt stupid by not saying something. He smiled. "Well, that's a relief. I guess this between us is offical."

"I'm relief too."

"We can go to the movies as our first date." She smiled too. "I loved that." They kissed, sealing their new relationship. Both of them had a feeling that this was going to be a very interesting experience between them.

The End.