Monday 13 December 2021

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I walked through what I called summer breeze. I wonder, what was autumn felt like? The tropical islands like Indonesia didn't have one. This island was forcefully trapped under two seasons that's fated for all lands passed by equatorial line. But once in a year, you might able to witness some trees turn to its golden leaves and let it blew by the wind, a scenario that's only could be seen by eyes. I was incapable to capture it into a paper of long-lasting memories. A paper that let you traced an old moment once again. The golden leaves, old and weak but yet gracefully falls shaken by the wind. It just the leaves and me that busy with our crusade, unbothered by the wind. The biased sunlight let my consciousness wandered to the future that's might never come. I saw the future as a mirage. It's clearly possible and around, but my incompetency to protect myself from pain make it seems so impossible.

I was numb inside. I have laughed yet unable to cry, for a second my life was meaningless. I realized that whatever I fight for now was useless. In the end of the day, our dynasty on this earth will end at last. Earth will destroy itself and reborn for another dynasty, like what was happened million years ago. Like a phoenix and its circle of life. I was lost and done. Nothing can give me any desire to fight back. I just wish I could disappear. I didn't want to remember. I didn't want to be known. I want to evaporate along with the tons of water in the ocean and touch another land with no one know, who am I?


They said that my country was liberated itself. Proudly remains strong after extremely long colonialization. Yet me as part of it flesh trapped under what I called as a man power. My grandmother always said, ?what was it used for a girl to go to school, in the end a woman place is in the kitchen. It's a woman fate to take care of family.' She always convinced me to be realistic and accept my fate as a Javanese woman.

Wanito : Wani di toto

That's how they usually remind me that I am woman and a good woman was the one could be ruled. That's how all woman around me live their life, except one. They called her Nona Ninna. She's the smartest woman I ever know. She's standing majestic with her curly hair and darker skin. Nona Ninna own a house that people from the outer city can temporally stay. I didn't really know what she's doing or where is she from? But her house was always full of strangers and books. My family was working for her. She never really told people around about her and despite her hospitality, her existence remains a mystery.

Nona Ninna was secretly being my teacher since I was a kid. She's also the one sent me to school, so my parent couldn't say any words for it. Through her stories and books, I saw the world differently. At school they teach me how to read, write, and how to become a good woman. At Nona Ninna's house, I was learned about a huge animal in the ocean and its fight against human in a green book titled, ?Moby Dick'. She's also told me a story of women and their voice in another hemisphere, taught me a language nobody spoke like a secret code between us. She's a parent, teacher, and best friend for me. Although most of the time, she would teach me plethora of unused skills and knowledge, but I always enjoyed her company.

Unless for today forward. I finally felt like a dog forced to lift my knee and obey whatever role was designed to be played by me. My family no longer put in patience with what so called as my morality disgraced and influenced by Nona Ninna. In the end of the day, based on morality of this society, I belong to my family, not Nona Ninna. She has no power to change my path. If even Nona Ninna couldn't help me, then I was completely lost.


Tomorrow they said, I will marry a guy I never met. A guy that based on Javanese tradition of bibit,bebet,bobot was chosen as a right man to be my husband by my father and family. In this society, I have no right on my life. So, why would I even live for?

As the night getting darker, I saw a clear bright star. I remember once Nona told me it called Sirius, the brightest star in our solar system. She also said the sun is a star too and there's a man had ever made a travel to space and enjoy this planet called Earth by himself, she also told me that some tried to compete with that man and planned to make a step in the moon What's an unfair world, I said to myself? Why I have to be born with no power to protect myself, when other human being out there were born with power to experience the wider world and make something that would be written in the book of history. I smiled when my eyes shade tears while I was laying powerlessly and shout to those stars with a language nobody understand in my house, ?THAT'S IT! YOU WIN, I LOSE! THANKS FOR THE EMPTY HOPES. LET'S SEE, WOULD I ALIVE TOMORROW TO ACCEPT THE FATE THAT YOU WROTE FOR ME!? everyone outside seems shocked by my loud voice, but none of them understand, what was I alarmed. I rather to die than live a life I hate to do. Then I smiled and closed my eyes, determined to enjoy my last night on this planet Nona called Earth.


They called me Wage because I was born in Wage, a day based on Javanese calendar. I was born few years after this country announced to the world that we were succeed to gained ourselves a freedom. I didn't witness war or slavery, but it seems that I lived one. Since I could remember, I was felt that I am different. A minority when I'm part of majority. I was used to questioning every aspect that my society forced me to believe. So, they called me a rude girl, unmannered one, and more. Once my grandmother cursed me that I am a witch girl, then I said to her, ?if I was a witch kid then you are a witch grandma.? I need to pay an expensive price only for a short of satisfaction. At least, there's one person laughed and said that I am a genius, Nona. 

?My name is Nona, too.?

A voice woke me up, to whom I told my story to. A young woman with dark hair and tanned skin like mine, but she looks way more, modern. Brilliantly elegant with a long black turtleneck, a blue long sleeve and pants that look stronger than a bull skin. She wore a high ankle red boot which weirdly so familiar.

?Who are you?? I asked,

?I have told you, my name is Nona too,? she smiled at me and her smile oddly radiate a peaceful vibe invite me too smile with her,

?I was listened to your story, now it's your turn to listen mine.? She added,

I nodded, my intuition said that it's the right manner to do. She reached my hand and in a second, I felt like sucked into an empty space with undivine dark or light. When I opened my eyes, I was in a ship with a red cheongsam on me. People there on the ship wear clothes I never seen before. Some spoke the language I could recognized some didn't. Nona Ninna had taught me to speaks English, Chinese, and little bit France. Poor me to unable continue the study, but I didn't remember why. I didn't remember too how could I be here. It's so familiar, I believe that I just remember name of people I saw on this ship. Strange!

 ?Nona! Hao Jiu Bu Jian, I thought that you've been leaving Hong Kong.? A man with a white jacket greets me kindly and with a bizarre illusion I remember his name, Kennan Huang.

?I still like the weather, beside Jane jiejie asked me to stay a bit longer.? Whatever non-sense I said believe me, I was confused myself too.

?Ok then, let's meet on Carpe Diem tonight. Someone has been asking for you since weeks ago. I think that you have leave Hong Kong, but you're here now??

I nodded silently.

As the ship was touched the land a bunch of man with black suit approached me like it was a normal. They bow to me and show a full respect like I deserved it.

?Lady Nona, the car was ready. Miss Jane has commanded to put your safety as priority.?

As I rode the car that seems so strange yet familiar for me, I rethink everything that I have just seen. I let the window open and blew my hair with the wind of change, together with the smell of petrichor. Gradually, I remember that girl with a black turtleneck and me that supposed to marry a guy my family wants. I was sinking deeper and deeper into a well of realization of a dream I too afraid to talk.

?So, do you remember now?? a voice shook me, dragged me out of my thought. She's there, sat quietly still with the same outfit, Nona with a turtleneck. Now, as I saw her clearly, I realized how much we looked alike and with all this insanity I brave myself to ask a ridiculous question.

?Are you me, Wage?? I asked,

?Nona to be exact. They called me Nona and, in the past yeah, I was called Wage. Until the age of 16, I lived as Wage.? She answered seriously as I chuckled upon hearing her explanation.

?Nona means ?Miss', that's why we called Nona Ninna as Nona Ninna, because she's Miss Ninna.? I was surprised by my own realization of Nona Ninna.

?Nona means ?the Ninth' sometimes in Italy they used it to refer an old woman. But I like it. As you said in Indonesia, it means a maiden and I am. I always envy with they that's called Nona.? Tears start to drop from my eyes as she explained her name. I remembered that's what exactly I said to myself. I always want to be a Nona. I have such ridiculous believe that if I was a Nona, I could learn anything I want and I could do anything impossible.

I smiled to her with no word to say. My voice has been swallowed by the emotions of a desperate human. I finally know why it was strange all the time, but have no brave to admit it. It just a dream.

?Let me continue my story before you go, stay until I finished it.? She added, like was able to read my mind. I was there, sat next to her, speechless by the fact of what's awaken me. I let the wind tickling my cheek until it frozen up. The rain was getting cruel, but I refuse to close it. This sensation of the wind on my cheek was the one made it real. I afraid that, I would drag into reality once again if I closed it.

?Remember the day we supposed to have an arranged marriage?? I nodded as a code for her to continue her story.

?I decided to went to the north and find closest port. Nona Ninna gave me a note to be given to a man on a boat written Tao Guang on its side.?

?Tao Guang? Hide the light?? I asked, she once again smiles as approval and continued,

?She gave me three letters and three missions. One for the boat man, one for a woman with a phoenix tattoo on her arm named Jane and one for me. she asked me to read mine once Jane took me to a place called Hong Kong. The boat man took me to an island called Singapore. He told me to wait for the dawn coming and a young woman with a red dress will take me to meet Jane. So, I did manage to meet Jane and after handing the letter Nona Ninna asked me to, she takes me back to Hong Kong with her. She said that I have to follow her and do anything she asked me to. I have no choice except for obey. This woman named Jane was looked like Nona Ninna. I knew how intelligent is she. She was just like a chameleon, jumped from once branch to other. Hide her truly self under a disguise of feminine masquerade. She ruled the man of the city which believes that they ruled her. It's so mesmerizing to witness her existence. She taught me things like Nona Ninna always did. Eventually, I start to help her doing stuffs.? Her eyes took a glance to the side of the road and as I followed her sight, there's a shadow of a man with a grey suit and broad shoulder. He looks familiar too and I was no longer surprise by familiarity any more. My hunch said maybe he's one of some part of the story, but I did feel the tickle of strange vibration.

?Seems like you have an amazing life.? I said, deeply mesmerize by her story and her spirit to make something for herself.

?Mine is yours too. I know you know who I am.? Her eye was so enchanting, but I couldn't believe she is me and I am her. It's completely impossible. I wouldn't have that much brave.

?I am not.? I said clearly,

?You call him Po, Po for a soul.? She ignores me,

?Who?? the car has stopped, and the driver open the door just for me. when I managed to look back at Nona, she was disappeared.

?Why do you think, ?you are not brave enough?' didn't you the one shout excitedly when Nona Ninna teach you about Fortes Fortuna Juvat means Fortune Favors the Brave. In the end of the day, the one can save you isn't Nona Ninna or anybody else but yourself. Why didn't you believe in yourself, love yourself, and protect yourself, ain't nobody had a debt on you and clowning around for the sake of your happiness, find one yours! Whatever is your authentic self. You deserved any life you wish for.? I look deep into her eyes, grasped by the familiarity of hers like an old friend. It feels like we have known for years and as she walked away with no explanation like it's what must been done, I shout to her,

?Hey Nona! So, what was written in Nona Ninna's letter for you?? I asked,

She turned her head as she kept her steps stable, ?Find it yourself!? she waved her hand and disappear together with the rain.

I make my step to a building that I know as a club. The one that guy on the ship state before as our appointment place, Carpe Diem. I opened the door and woman in the corner sing a song of Moon River on its lyric. The song tastes sweet in my ear and the guy I met on the ship waved his hand to me. Next to him was a man with a grey suit I saw before, but now I could see his face clearly. He stood there high and mighty, dominates what's around him. He smiled at me and I couldn't help to experience unexceptional explosion of emotions. I could feel a tear about to drops as I was walking closer to them. A feeling of completion doses me in a second, like a hole inside me finally found its piece. Then a huge bang shook me out. In a second, I opened my eyes, I was laying on the same bed I always be, shading on tears. ?So, this is how it feels like to drag into a reality.' I chuckled as I think about that strange experience. The day hasn't started yet. The sky wasn't ready for the sun to show his mighty power. The dawn had invited the wind of change, ready to take over the darkness and replaced it with a ton of light. I grabbed my bag and found my way escape when everyone was enjoying their own version of dream. I ran to Nona Ninna's house as fast as I could. I knew that I had not much time to set myself free. Once my family realized I was missing, I will once again trap in this society, I'm not belong to.

She's there as always in her terrace with her tea and book on her hand.

?Send me to Jane!? I said, loud and clear,

I could sense a confusion in her eyes as she's asking, ?How did you know about Jane??

?Somewhere I think, maybe from your story or your books, or from my higher-self.? I smiled,

Nona Ninna act like she's expecting this from me. ?Wait? she said,

She gives me three letters and explanation like Nona said and ask me,


?I dreamed a life I want to live in. I feel alive there. No matter if it just a dream or a reality, the only way to find out is by making a step. If I have to die, I'll die when I fight for my life. Someone told me to be whatever authentic me and that I deserved on whatever life I wish for. Thanks, Ninna for show me the world. See you in Hong Kong.?

?Because I don't believe there's no place for someone like me' and I begin my journey to be alive.


You've probably heard of the circle of African gods, right? No. Well, a week ago I would have said the same. I would have sworn to the heavens that I knew nothing but contrary to what we think, several gods exists and call it myth or's left to you.


Like you, I didn't believe in witches, monsters, angels and other mystic beings either...I knew one prophecy though. The same one burnt into my soul. Mom said the high priestess of the Malicar clan in Egypt read her fortune while she was pregnant with me and told her these words.


On a day, the moon will be red as blood,

The night dark and still,

A soulless child will be born.

Sixteen cold winters shall pass,

And when the child sees her true self,

The messenger of hell will come forth.

Darkness shall consume the earth,

Unless a dying wish is set.


Mom said she never asked what the prophesy meant, she just packed up and returned home. Months after, she went into labor but couldn't give birth. For some reason, I refused to be born.


The family were in Kenya with Dad on one of his research and because they were stuck in a small town on a shitty stormy day, a midwife had to take the delivery. I was born late Sunday night after days of labor, on a day the sky was red and the night was eerie and silent. I didn't cry after I was born and was cold blue so the midwife thought I was dead until she felt for a pulse.


She panicked then hit my butt continuously until I finally made a sound. As she handed me over to Mom, she cried,


"This child is not human and will live a short life.?


Mom spat back at her upset but her words reminded her of the prophecy. In fear, we moved from Mali to Botswana then Namibia.


Actually, we moved because Dad kept going on countless research around Africa. 




"Katie, I hope you studied for the test? There will be no makeup test this time." Ms. Hudson's words rang in my ears as I was about to take a Maths test that would determine 30% of my grade. I flashed her my usual awkward smile and she handed me my papers then left.

I guess I haven't introduced myself yet...pardon me. 


My name is Katherine Lawson and on my eighth birthday, I was told the prophecy about my death.


I have always hated it and wanted to change it.


When I was nine, I wanted to meet the sisters of fate and threaten them not to cut the thread. At ten, I wanted to meet the devil and struck a deal with him...I read many books but none had a way of summoning him. At twelve, I wanted to kidnap baby Jesus and ask for life as ransom. However, as I grew older, I stopped believing it.

It didn't say how but from Mom's interpretation, I was going to die after seeing my reflection, which was why I was never allowed to look directly into a mirror. Or go near a pool. Everyone seemed to have this fear that a demon would rise and kill me.


I knew I was strange for three reasons..I didn't feel pain, survived an earthquake with just a scratch and sometimes had flashes of hell.


When I was little, my parents were overprotective so I was homeschooled by Mom. She got a job so I attended a high school a stone throw from home. I never went out to visit friends because I had an inexistent social life.


Fortunately, Dad got a job in London and we moved here last spring. I was nervous but ready to make a friend who wasn't my big sister Ruby then Mom brought up the prophecy, again. She was nervous because I was clocking sixteen but Dad refuted her claim. He insisted I attended a normal high school like Ruby, which was how I ended up at Rosé high school taking a Maths quiz. 


Least to say, hell let loose on my sixteenth birthday. 



I was focused on my test so I didn't notice when the door flew open and someone entered the class. I heard whispers then looked up. A man was talking with Mrs Hudson at her desk but I couldn't see his face because he had his back turned to me. I noticed the girls were acting stranger than their bitchy selves but I didn't want the distraction so I went back to my test. A sudden giggling caught my interest immediately.


Ms. Hudson is laughing?


Ms. Hudson never laughs! I wondered and like everyone else, abandoned calculus and watched the drama instead. After all, our dear Ms. Hudson who had a permanent scowl and cold heart was blushing right in front of us. 


"Katherine...your uncle is here for you. It's an emergency." She called out and I was so shocked when the stranger turned his back, I practically drooled. 


He was tall, had a pale complexion and two cold eyes that seemed to suck in souls. His long hair was shiny black and neatly packed by a gold ribbon, which was the only odd colour in his total black outfit. When he smiled, his beautiful lips parted and he gave off the aura of a dangerous but sexy hypnotist. His ageless face made him look timeless. I was lost in his Egyptian accent I didn't realise he was calling me. At a tap though, I bolted from my daydream. 


"Katie, I was sent to get you," he said and I didn't ask who or why, I just took my backpack and hurried after him, to the envy of the other girls.



"Who are you? Who sent you?" I demanded, snapping out of my trance. We were already out of the school and he seemed frantic. He kept looking sideways like he was expecting something to happen.


"Calm down, Katie. I was sent by....


Several loud grunts cut him off and before I could blink, two ugly creatures lunged at us with sharp pointed fingers. They had hairs all over their body and two small eyes that sank deep into their head.


Yeah, you read it right.


They were Siamese demon twins.


I screamed in fear, immobile as a hand headed for me but in a swift, a sword appeared out of air and sliced it off. The demons shrilled in unison, saw the stranger with the sword and went for him instead. He fought them off for long then finally cut off their head. It fell off easily and turned into worms that crawled away quickly into the pipes. I threw up instantly.


"Katie, are you okay?" He asked.


"W-what was that?!"


"A Negrocer. They're twins who live in the first hell. The fact they're here means the gate of hell is open. We have to go now."


"Go where? I'm not taking a step until you tell me what the hell is going on here. I need answers."


I needed answers and he gave them.


His name was Anubis and he was the guardian of the underworld. He was sent by the circle of gods to get me because apparently, Lucifer was coming back for his gift. 


Seventeen years ago, a woman said a prayer at a temple in Egypt and the devil answered. He saved her child and gave the child a gift. A fragment of hell and its powers. He didn't know this and when he did, he was already locked up in hell for messing with the wheel of life. That woman was my mom and the child was me. Anubis said that the circle believed that the devil wanted the powers and he would kill me to get it. They wanted to protect me in the temple of life, which was in the pyramids in Egypt, but we had to be there before midnight.


"We are in London, Anubis. Egypt is on the other side of the world. How do we get there in time?" I panicked. I guess knowing the prophecy about me dying was true and Lucifer after me, made me desperate to live. 


"The big Ben is a pathway to the pyramids. We can travel through the space to Egypt."


"Wait what!" 


He saw the befuddled look on my face and told me there were portals in all the famous features in the world that people with magic travel through. Witches, sorcerers, magicians, monsters etc. lived amongst humans but only those who still believe in magic can see them. the magic world exist behind the veil so few people ever see beyond it. I was only able to see him because I had the mark of death. 



For our trip to the big ben, we had to make plans. Since I knew nothing about how to get around London, he consulted the best guide...a map. I live on the other side across the river Thames so we took a boat. We ran to the nearest deck and arrived there, panting and out of breath.


Well, I was. Anubis didn't looked like he ran a lap. He still looked composed and prim in his jetblack suit.


We rented a boat and he paid for it...actually I think he said something to the guy then they shared a handshake.


?We should be safe now. Water is out of bounds," he said. 


But when we were halfway across, heavy current slammed against the boat. I ran to him and before he even asked me to hold on, I was already clinging to his waist. As the waves continued to hit the boat with force, it rocked sideways and slammed us into each other Anubis tried futilely to steer it but it was like a mere mortal fighting against the gods. We argued at first then agreed on jumping.


Good news...we jumped before the boat capsized. Bad news...I couldn't swim. I was practically drowning when he noticed and had to swim to the shore with me. 


"You said the water was out of bounds? Something almost killed us back there!" I lashed out.


?Yemoja has never sided with anyone before. She and Osun has always been neutral."


?Well, Yemoja has taken a side now. We are staying out of the water. I don't intend to die by drowning."


He agreed then pondered how the goddess had seen me. I knew how but said nothing. Mom didn't tell me the prophecy initially instead she gave me a list of don't. 


Don't go near the water.


Don't look in the mirror.


Don't take off your cross.


I learnt them by heart and followed them strictly but before Yemoja showed up, I was staring at my reflection in the water. That was probably how she saw me.


According to whoever Mom learnt sorcery from, as long as I stayed away from waters and mirrors, no one would see me. It was just noon and I had already broken the first rule. Anubis suggested we shopped for clothes since we were soaked like wet dogs, I couldnt agree more. We picked out few items at a store and I was excited I got to choose my own wears for the first time. Mom never let me. I changed into a pair of jeans, shirt and sneakers while he came out in the same jet-black suit as before. 


?What!" He asked sheepishly and I couldn't help but laugh. He brought out something from his pocket then gave me. It was a necklace with a dark rose pendant. He called it the rose of death and told me to wear it always for protection. Because I couldn't use a mirror, he wore it around my neck. The feeling of numbness in my legs was all I felt as his cold breath graced my ears. Im in love. I blushed. 




?Oh geez, I forgot! Mom will be so freaked out. I need to call her." I suddenly remembered then sprang up to get my phone only to realise I left it in class.


"I called her already. You know, she really loves you, Katie."


?Yeah. I'm alive because of her. Sometimes my family gets on my nerves when they are overprotective but I guess that's how families are.

A, do you have a family??


?Not in human sense. I am a gatekeeper in the underworld. I guide dead souls to the afterlife. 


?You must feel lonely then. Alone in the dark just guiding souls across. I know how it feels. The prophecy ruined my childhood which is why I hope to change it."


"Fate can be denied but never changed. Humans have always believed they can fight their destinies...they think too highly of themselves. Get some rest, Katie."


Although I wanted to argue that I was ready to fight even the twelve Olympians to change my fate or travel to Tartarus, I fell asleep instead. 


"Katherine, wake up! Look around, child of's time to claim your powers." I heard a strange beautiful voice and opened my eyes.


I noticed I wasn't in the taxi but a garden filled with red roses. An ageless woman with a beauty only meant for goddesses smiled at me then repeated the words. I grumbled and asked for Anubis instead but she cackled menacingly. Wrinkles appeared on her face as she shrieked 'Liars' and chanted trancelike of the end of Lucifer. I stared at her confusedly and one minute she was there smiling and the next, a senile woman lunged at me with frail hands.


I shrieked and when skeletons began to rise from the earth, I jolted up. I was back in the taxi with Anubis.


?A crazy lady just tried to kill me." I told him and he didn't look surprised. He told me the closer we got to the portal the stronger the monsters would be able to sense me. I asked about the powers she mentioned and he said it was better I didn't mess with them because powers like that came at a deadly price. I knew he was right but I didn't believe him. Unknown to him, I could feel the dark energy in me increasing each minute.


?Katherine, there is something you should know."


It turned out Anubis told me the story but hid two lines. The fact I was the gift from hell and there was a bounty on me which was why monsters were after us. 




The taxi abruptly stopped and when we stepped out, hundred ugly looking creatures with antennas, giant eyes and scorpion tails surrounded us. Anubis clutched his sword but he couldn't fight them all. They were stronger and hard to kill than the first. I noticed he was outnumbered and tried to help but a tail smacked me away. Please help me, I whispered. Then suddenly, I began to feel different as a surge of power flowed through me. I shrieked, and thousands of the undead rose from hell. They attacked the monsters and we escaped. Anubis forgot to add that I had the power to summon the dead but I somehow felt it.


?We are out of time, Katie. Do you have enough energy left to summon something?" He managed. He was bleeding and getting weaker by the moment.


?Like the chariot of hell?" I teased.


That was how I lent Hade's horses without permission and ended up on his bad side, not that he ever liked me anyway. We space travelled in a minute and arrived Egypt after sunset. I grumbled about why he never mentioned the chariot in the first place but quickly forgave him.


We finally made it to the temple but it was empty. Anubis had no reply to why the gods weren't there and I couldn't believe I missed school, almost drowned, travelled half the earth just to find them but they were missing. I may have lashed, pleaded and screamed for the gods for hours but nothing happened. 




Finally, a man in a white robe appeared out of thin air but I wasn't stunned?I was already used to stranger things. The stranger looked devilishly handsome with his fiery white hair and playful grin. Something seemed familiar about him.


?Nice to see you again. It's time you regain your memories." He said then snapped his fingers.


I had flashes of first day in midschool when some bullies pushed me into the school pool and I drowned. I was losing consciousness when a hand pulled me out. I never saw the face of my hero but I could now. He had the same grin as the stranger in robe.


?You saved me. But why?" 


?You know why Katie. You've already experienced the power. I don't want you dead like the circle said. They lied to you."


I never knew Lucifer was such a charmer until I met him. He talked big about how we could rule the world and claim all the powers and wealth together but I wasn't interested. I told him I only wanted to live. He promised me immortality, fame and power but I still turned him down. He stopped being nice and swapped his robe for a suit.


I offered to trade the mark for a normal life but he was against it.


?You will feel pains, grow old and even die." he argued.


?I know. They are parts of being human"


"As you wish, child."


Finally, we struck a deal. With a kiss to my forehead, he took his gift back, the same way he had given it. I bade Anubis goodbye and rode the chariot back to London



?The prophecy was a hoax. I knew it! Ruby fumed when I didn't die at midnight. She nagged on with her questions so I wished she would stop talking. When she actually went dumb and couldn't speak...I grinned.




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