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Heyo peoples! This was a collab with Jose, so be sure to check out Val's perspective :)

This challenge: do a collab with someone.


I stood at the top of our camp, surveying the tents in the valley. General Val's army spread out on the other side of the river. My commander, Alexander, came running up to me.

"M'am, our spies have reported urgent news."

I looked my commander square in the eye.

"This better not be a joke, what's the news?" I asked

"Well...there's been a breach in the forces, M'am."

" what you must with as little bloodshed as possible." I said.

"Yes, M'am." Alexander started to turn.

"Oh, and Alexander? Please stop calling me 'M'am'. I do have a name you know."

"Yes m'a-I mean General Wolfie." My faithful tortoise walked away faster than any tortoise should. 

I sighed with contentment. The sun was beginning to make itself known, and the troops began to stir. I walked down the hill and back to my main tent. 


As I sat down at the make-shift table we set up, the captain, Lucas, came running in.

"General Wolfie, we await your orders." He saluted.

"At ease, Captain. Have the scouts returned with the entry point information?"

"Yes, m'am. I have brought the map with our best defenses." He pulled out a map and spread it on the table. 

"Here, here and here are the best spots to attack," he said, gesturing to different points on the map. 

"I think we're ready then. Where's Midnight?"

"He's stationed around back, anxious to get going, General" 

I nodded my thanks and stood, heading to the back of our tent. 

I reached Midnight's tether and stroked the horse's beautiful black mane. Whilst I was lost in this embrace, memories started to flood back to me. I remembered Mom and Dad ruling side by side, Queen and King. I remembered their death, the day everything turned upside-down, like a pancake getting flipped over and burned. I remembered...him even though I try not to. I tried to swallow them down and forget, but I never seemed able to. 

Midnight whinnied, bringing me back into reality. 

"Who's ready to claim the crown, Midnight?"

He nickered, as if saying 'you, of course'. I stroked his side and climbed on the beautiful beast. He pranced around, and I brought him over to the tents. Wolves and humans alike gathered, itching to get going. 

"Now everyone. Today will determine the fate of our kingdom, and it will be us against HIM and his forces. We must act smoothly and if all goes to plan, I shall rule this province. Who's ready for this brawl?!?!" Various howls and shouts met my ears. 

"That's what I like to hear! Let's get this battle started!"

I guided Midnight over to the end of our camp.

"This is it, boy," I muttered.

We rode smoothly and many saluted as I flew past. I saw Alexander ordering everyone into positions along with Lucas. A small smile spread across my face, but faded as I remembered the task at hand. 

My army was ready. They were armed with various swords and some with bows and arrows. The wolves didn't need a weapon, they had teeth and claws. Soon, we were positioned in front of the river, overlooking his militia. Lucas rode up to my side.

"This is it, General. Soon the fate of the kingdom will be determined. The forces are spick and span and ready to go on your signal."

"Thank you, Lucas. I appreciate your work here."

"Of course, General. Here comes Val now. I'll leave you two to chat." He rode off to the side. General Val rode up on his white steed. 

I put on a strong face, no need to show weaknesses in battle. Midnight shifted uneasily. 

I looked at Val. He'd grown from the last time we met. 

"So, General Val. Long time no see," I prompted.

?Thanks for pointing out the obvious, General,? he said, with a hint of cold in his tone. 

"So, we have a war to fight, but it doesn't have to be this way. There is always a way out until it happens you know." I let the silence hang in the air. 

?You broke my trust when you left. It was my sworn duty to look after you, but now that you're older and don't have time for me any more?? he trailed off. ?It's time I put my love into something that will love me back.?

I was shocked at these words coming from my brother, but I couldn't show that. I gave him the evil eye instead.

"Well, I guess everyone has to grow up eventually. Some take longer than others. But the past is in the past; we have a war to fight now," I said with confidence. 

I turned to my troops and thought through all our battle strategies and tactics. 

?Wait!? he shouted. I turned and raised my eyebrows in a questioning manner. 


?Happy Birthday, Speedy,? he said, giving me a weak smile.

"You remembered," I mused. Of course he could remember his own birthday, we are twins after all. 

I wanted to embrace him in a hug so badly. But, we were on the edge of battle, so the hugs could wait. 

"Happy Birthday Val." I returned the weak smile. "Now let's go claim what's ours."

?Thanks for the birthday wishes,? he responded, briskly. He looked as if he remembered something important. ?I forgot to bring a gift,? he muttered before turning toward his army. Tigers vs wolves. Sister vs. Brother. The battle of brethren. 

Everything was still for a precious moment, until it wasn't. 

All of a sudden, a big roar came from the western valley, like a giant lion. My fighters were puzzled at the sound, as was I. 

"Prepare to attack!" I yelled. It seemed as if Val were no longer a threat, for this new force was much more powerful than our forces combined. Then it struck me....we needed to indeed combine our forces. 

"We'll never defeat them by ourselves," I yelled over my confused soldiers. "We need more help." My eyes wandered over to the flags they were hoisting, red and black. I've seen those flags before but where? 

Then it clicked. The Assassins. The murderers that killed our parents. A new rage flowed through my bones.   

I charged and every other thought left my mind. I could only think that they needed to go. I usher Midnight on. I see a big lion with an eye patch snarling and growling at me. I pull out my sword and stab it when I get the chance. I hear another horse coming in my direction. 

?I could use some help, you know!? I yelled over to Val. A centaur joins the fight, and it looks gruesome and ready to kill. I ward the lion off with my sword while Val tackles the half beast. Fighting is happening all around us, but we tune them out and remain focused. I slashed my sword wildly as Val fought by my side. 

"Some way to spend a birthday, huh brother?"

?Why wouldn't I be enjoying my birthday? Slaying baddies with you AND fighting side by side with my sister. It's just like the old days!? he said, taking down the centaur with one swipe of his ruby encrusted blade.

"Yeah, the good old days. You know, it was rather selfish of me to want to rule the kingdom. I'd rather be fighting with you instead of sitting on a boring throne all day," I said. 

I brought my sword down on the lion, and he whimpered like a puppy. Midnight and Phantom, Val's white horse, had their hooves full kicking away enemies that got too close. We continued to charge through their ranks, slashing everything we could. They started to show signs of retreat, for without their leader, they were doomed.

?My thoughts exactly.? He said.

All around us on the bloodstained battle field, the Assassins were retreating. 

My eyes locked on some figure on the ground. I gasped suddenly.

?What is it?? Val asked worriedly, as he fended off a long venomous snake. 

Instead of answering his question, I bolted away toward Lucas, my brave captain, who was lying limp on the ground, blood pooling around him. I couldn't hold in my emotions anymore. Tears rolled down my cheeks, and I dropped my sword. I crumpled to my knees and held his head.

"Lucas," I whispered faintly. ?It can't end like this, not this sudden,? I nearly whimpered. The tears clouded my vision and everything mixed together. I heard a whinny farther away. I swiped at my face and tried to focus on one thing at a time. 

Val. I've left Val alone to fend with the snake. If that whinny was Phantom's...

No. It couldn't have been. I stand up, still a bit weary and sad, but pick up my sword and run back to my brother. I couldn't let him die, not now. I charged with everything left in me, and neared the snake. Val was on the ground, and not in the best condition. The sandy snake was huge, nearly thirty feet long, and just as thick. I started stabbing it when I got the chance, trying to distract it, but to no avail. I held my sword harder and advanced towards its head. With one powerful swipe, I jammed my sword into the snake's neck. It whirled around to me and showed its venomous fangs. My energy was failing me, and I started to collapse. At least my death would be heroic in the midst of battle, right?

Oblivion was knocking on the door asking to be let inside. I tried to push the urge to close my eyes away, but eventually, I gave in. The last thing I remember was Val screaming in pain somewhere nearby. 


I woke up from dreamland with a start. I was in an unfamiliar place with dark walls, like that of a cave. I was on some kind of bed and different gadgets were placed around me. I looked over to my right and was very shocked to see a scaly face look down at me. 

"Who are what is where am-" I tried to say. My brain couldn't process this.

"Shh, it's okay, Wolfie. I'm Elena. You and your brother are in good hands."

"You-you're a dragon..." I was too in shock to say anything else, but my mind was wide awake with questions. Who is this dragon woman? How did she know my name? Where is my brother? Where are we even? Is everything over? 

"Where's my brother?" I asked, showing concern.

"He's in that other room," Elena said as she pointed to a doorway. "But you are nowhere near well enough to see him." I wanted to see him so badly, but I knew Elena was right to sit put.

My mind wandered to the battle we had just fought. The centaur, the lion, the snake, my warriors. I looked up at Elena.

"Hang on a this The Dragon's Cave? From the legends? You guys really exist?"

"Well, I'm here, aren't I? Yes, I'm as true as a lonely cloud on a sunny day." 

That was a weird metaphor, I think.

"Uh okay. So when will I be 'well enough' to see my brother?"

"In time. Maybe by the end of the day." The dragon looked like she had pity on me. 

"Okay, sounds like a plan."

"But plans can always get changed or interrupted, you know." Her eyes seemed distant, like remembering something long ago.

"Did your plans change, Elena?" I asked.

Her golden eyes drifted back to me.

"Yes, yes they did. You see, long ago, my father was captured. That was the saddest day of my life. They took him away, never to be seen or heard from again."

"I understand that. My own father was killed when I was younger," I said, with a slight twang of sadness. 

"Ah yes, King Charlemagne. What a king."  

"So you knew my dad then?"

"Yeah, yeah. He was a great king and his kingdom will never really die," the dragon said. Her scales were a light rosy color, and her snout was long and defined. Her golden eyes were soft and full of concern. 

"Why won't his kingdom die? All kingdoms die eventually, even Rome and Egypt had to fall."

"Very true, but his legend lives on in his offspring's hearts. And he was one lucky dad," she finished I couldn't help but blush a little. 

"Why'd you save us anyway? You didn't have to." I said. 

"Child, if I didn't save you, you would have died. My brother, Ember and I took a big risk to save you and Val. We've come out of hiding and exposed ourselves. But, I think it's worth it for the future king and queen." I honestly couldn't believe that I was talking to a real dragon. 

A moment of silence passed.

"What's it like to fly? Does it feel freeing?"

Elena let loose a small chuckle. 

"Yes, Wolfie, it's rather amazing if you ask me. Piercing the wind, seeing everything from above."

"I'd love to know what it's like. Must be astonishing," I mumbled.

"I'll take you up soon, but first a little more rest." 

I nodded. 

"But could I at least see my brother first?" I ask.

"Yes, I suppose so." 

I nearly jumped out of bed. I walked over to the door Elena had pointed out earlier. Inside was Val with a dragon that had ruby red scales. 

"Oh Val! I'm so glad you're okay!" I embraced him in a gentle hug. 

I stood and cleared my throat. "We should get going soon. Thanks for all your hospitality, Elena and Ember."

?Can't you come with us?? Val asked hopefully.

?I'd love to, but we already have our claws full with royal duties and all,? Ember said. 

Val hid his disappointment very well.

?I understand,? he said. ?Well, thank you for your help Ember. Tell Elena the same for me??

Ember nodded, with hope-filled eyes. 

All of a sudden, the tunnel began to shake. 

?What's that?? Val asked, showing concern. Elena bursts into the room.

?They found us!? Elena cries out. ?The Assassinators are here.?

But the warning was too late. Animals and humans alike drop down from the cave roof and block the only exit. 

?Listen,? Ember says quietly. ?On the count of three, you're gonna run out of here before the tunnel collapses. I can take them. Trust me.?

I could see tears glistening in Elena's soft golden eyes. 

"But Ember, I don't want to lose you as well! You're the only family that I have!"

"It will be okay, Elena. I got this. Now get them to safety!" 

"Come on! We gotta get out of here!" I say.

"1...2...3 NOW!" Ember shouts. We run through the blockade of animals, and in one swift movement, we hop onto Elena's back. She got a running head-start and flapped her wings frantically, gaining altitude rather quickly. The sun was setting, turning the skies beautiful shades of rose, gold, and blue. We soared high over the kingdom that would soon be ours. Grief melted off us like a melting ice cube Today is a new day, for new challenges and adventure. Turns out, it wasn't a battle against brethren, but a battle with brethren.


Val's perspective:


 Sir John Wethersby, for the life of him, could not recall which town he was in, nor in what quaint innkeeper's room he had suddenly awakened. The last thing he could recall, was hearing the distant mewing of a spectral cat, after partaking of a particularly bland bowl of porridge, and a rather unsavory piece of stale mutton. But why could he not recall anything from even a few days past? 

    Sir John, managed to get dressed, in a quite stylish set of breeches and long tail coat, previously unfamiliar to him. He made his way down the rickety, uneven steps of the narrow oaken staircase, which led to a small room containing a bar set up and a few modest seating arrangements. After calling out, in vain, nary a soul to be found, he headed out the large stalwart steel-enforced door into the sun-bleached street, of the still, unfamiliar, hamlet. 

    Here and there, a few civilians went about their everyday, mundane tasks. What with the work of leading cows to pasture, or sweeping sidewalks, there seemed to be a vague malaise about the place, which fogged John's mind in a veneer of mystery. Not a soul meet eye contact with him, nor did they even take notice, as if he may not have even been present at all. He couldn?t quite place it, but if he had to guess, the dialect with which they spoke to each other had the resonance of Gaelic sounding tones. 

    Finally after walking down unfamiliar cobblestone streets, with unpronounceable names, in a foreign script, he decided he would take charge of his current predicament. It was then that he saw the door to the Grimalc Inn was wide open, with a sign beckoning patronage for those in want of a hearty meal and a grand old time. 

    Sir John reticently stepped across the golden inlay of the establishment's threshold, only to be quite taken aback by the glorious sight that beheld his eyes. There before him, in what would have been considered a quite normal Irish eatery otherwise, was instead one embellished with a mountain of intricate decorum from floor to vaulted ceiling. Every incarnation, idol and effigy of fairy, cherub, woodland creature and spirit, adorned the place, carved in everything from porcelain, to fine silver and gold, to ivory, as well as rare and exquisite wood from a seemingly enchanted forest. 

    John laid his hat upon the table as he stared up at the incredible and the unfathomable images before him. He rubbed his temples in disbelief at the mere thought of the handiwork, and hours of labor, that must have went into the creation and collection of such a menagerie. It was only then that he noticed the pleasant Maiden, who had been staring at him the entire time. She seemed tall for a woman, with long flowing fiery curls, as red as volcanic fire. Her ample bosom and resplendent curves were welcoming In a way that was neither fully matronly or sexual, but whole-heartedly appealing, nonetheless. Her smile shined like a beacon, and she had a bronze glow about her, like that of a pregnant woman, although she was not with child. 

    John was inwardly startled, at first, but something beyond him beckoned him to engage the middle-aged maiden with all of his very being. After a brief swallow, and some inner self-encouragement, he chose to speak first. His tone was solemn, as if in a church or on hallowed ground, though he knew not why he spoke as such. 

    ?Pardon me, fair lass. But could thou tell me of what land I am in, and how far is it from the Queen's, for I am, as of yet, unfamiliar of its trappings.? 

    The Maiden continued her busy work of polishing chalices and crystal goblets, although it was clear she offered her full attention to the perplexed man. The words, she spoke were in an accent so strong, yet somehow Sir John, understood them all, if only in his mind?s eye, and not altogether on the surface. 

    She spoke of a land of enchantment. Of a decision to continue to seek out the elusive, or to perhaps settle in the here and now. Her smile was mischievous, and the glint in her eyes tempestuous. John felt as if he were a sailor starring at a Siren, not knowing if he would experience unbridled sensuality or be dashed upon the rocks. Opposing feelings of fear and inquisitiveness clashed inside of him, lapping like tumultuous waves at his rib cage. The more she spoke, the more he became intrigued, until he felt hopelessly enamored and unequivocally beguiled by her aura and words. 

    John felt himself slipping from the mortal coil, to go down a path of no return. He felt as though his body hung, now perilously, on the precipice of a large drop into the bottomless pit of the cosmos. He struggled between trepidation and curiosity, the fair Maiden's charms now enthralling him beyond simply mere carnal desires. All he needed to do was let go. 

    The harsh cry of a flustered feline broke John from her gaze. It had been the same cat's cry that led him to this far away land of mystery, mirth and perhaps malevolent spirits, in the first place. But this time when John awakened, he was not in a far-off land of Irish folklore, but rather the creature comforts of his own bed. Like Ebenezer before him, he laughed until he cried, as his furry feline friend licked her white and beige paws, before bathing her own ears awash, and John in her indifference. 

    John now fully awake, sucked air through his teeth, happy to be alive.  Never again would he forget the indescribable Grimalc Inn, nor its seductive unearthly inhabitant that took the female form. He knew not where he had traveled during his unconscious state, but only that even the furthest reaches of his intelligence and experience combined,  could never have imagined such a place, even in a lucid dream state. 

    He knew not it's name, or language; nor could be place any of it's vaguely familiar, although hauntingly unfamiliar, traits. All he knew was, heavenly or hellish, that place had not been of this world, or even dimension, and he was merely happy to be wide awake once again. With a renewed sense of vigor and a redound zeal for life, his thoughts once again returned to their earthly pursuits. A bowl of bland porridge and a piece of stale mutton, would be more than greatly appreciated, upon the breakfast table, rooted firmly in place, on this, the familiar and terrestrial ground of his hearth and home. 


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