Wednesday 19 March 2014

IFRS could be stripped of accountancy watchdog role

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IFRS could be stripped of accountancy watchdog role in Editor's Pick
The International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Foundation's role in governing global accounting rules is under threat...
The Truth About Telecommuting
Jim Clifton in
Remote employees may not roam the halls, but don't kid yourself: They're still doing damage to your company.
IRS Can Audit You Forever---But Key Steps Can Prevent It in Editor's Pick
The IRS Can Audit For 3 Years, Six Years, Or Forever. Know Which Rule Applies To You And Mark Your Calendar To Stay Audit-Clear.
Art of Accounting: Be a Sounding Board to Your Clients in Editor's Pick
Entrepreneurs are the brightest, most focused and determined people I know. But it is also lonely for many of them.
myFinancePartner: Working as your business partner - PwC in the North in Editor's Pick
Helping you to meet your goals ... Are you an ambitious small/medium sized business? Are you looking for pro-active business...
5 Tax Advantages for Small Businesses This Filing Season in Editor's Pick
There are a myriad of tax benefits and deductions available to small businesses this filing season. Two tax partners with BDO USA...
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