Wednesday 8 May 2013

Top news for Lihle: The Secret to Every Good Manager: Discover Tomorrow Today

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The Secret to Every Good Manager: Discover Tomorrow Today
The Secret to Every Good Manager: Discover Tomorrow Today
Alan Kay, the renowned computer scientist, put it memorably some forty years ago: “the best way to predict the future is to invent it.” Aside from masterful technologists like Mr....
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The PwC 2013 Global Digital IQ Survey: Digital Conversations and the...
The PwC 2013 Global Digital IQ Survey: Digital Conversations and the... · How are successful companies using technology as a catalyst for growth and competitive advantage? PwC’s 2013 Global Digital IQ...
Total Retail and the Store of the Future - PwC in the North
Total Retail and the Store of the Future - PwC in the North · Total retail is the model for the future. Multichannel retailing, as we know it, is dead. The retail industry has experienced...
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