Monday 7 January 2013

LinkedIn Network Updates, 1/07/2013

Network Updates, Dec 31 - Jan 7
Updates from Your Extended Network
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Ernst Gouws
Ernst Gouws
when you have nothing to do...
when you have nothing to do...
On a very chilled Saturday afternoon, I had to do something productive. So I grabbed by camera and head out to Paarl‘s Main Road to snap a bit… ISO 800 all the way...
Vash Narain Kerr
Vash Narain Kerr With great love and light I present to you my new website: Register an account on the website to regularly receive my news. Namaste.
Welcome to Vash Narain - Reiki Master: 072 101 6099
Welcome to Vash Narain - Reiki Master: 072 101 6099
    Introduction Each of us has the potential of being given a gift by the divine, which results in the body and soul becoming unified . . ....
Vittorio Pizone
Vittorio Pizone
Le Borse rifiatano dopo una settimana da record. Su le banche con...
Banche in deciso rialzo in Europa (eurostoxx di settore sale del 2,1%), dopo la decisione dei governatori del comitato di vigilanza di Basilea di scaglionare nel tempo l'entrata in vigore degli standard di Basilea III,...
Sebastian Rodrigo Basualdo
Sebastian Rodrigo Basualdo
ARBA. RN 65/12: Prórroga de los vencimientos establecidos para el...
Resolución Normativa Nº 065/12 Prórroga de los vencimientos establecidos para el ingreso de la primer cuota y pago anual del Impuesto a los Automotores LA PLATA,28 DE DICIEMBRE DE 2012 VISTO: Que mediante el expediente N° 22700-25348/12 se propicia...
How about these people? GUGU SOLI
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