Tuesday 21 February 2012

LinkedIn Network Updates, 2/22/2012

Network Updates, Feb 15 - Feb 22
Featured Updates
Sibusiso Ngcwangu has added new links: Blog
Sibusiso Ngcwangu (@ngcweyla) RT @FunnyQuotez_ : Some open minds should be closed for repairs via Twitter
Sibusiso Ngcwangu (@ngcweyla) RT @THECHRlSBROWN : RETWEET if you want me to follow you? follow @autocorrects and i will follow some of you back :) RT if you did so i can follow you via Twitter
Sibusiso Ngcwangu (@ngcweyla) still @ #missionvale_campus done all ma assignments nw gotta prepare 4 dat #test via Twitter
Sibusiso Ngcwangu (@ngcweyla) RT @2miMad1 : Even though work stops, expenses run on. #also via Twitter
Sibusiso Ngcwangu (@ngcweyla) RT @autocorrects : That awkward moment when you get home from school and look at yourself in the mirror thinking `did I really look like this all day?` via Twitter
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