Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Let's Kill the Weekly Meeting

Must-Reads for Lihle
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Highlight of the day
Let's Kill the Weekly Meeting
Jeff Denneen on LinkedIn
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Why I Won't Accept Your Linkedin Invitation
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Thanks for not buying popcorn from my son
Trey Tompkins
If you declined my son's offer to buy popcorn from his Cub Scout Pack yesterday, I owe you one. I'm serious.I spent yesterday...
Why You Should Always Say "Hello" In The Elevator
Liz Linzer
I recently traveled to Europe to visit a few of our offices abroad and launch a new, exciting youth employment initiative for...
5 Things on Your Resume That Make You Sound Too Old
Marc Miller
Your Resume and Your AgeThe format and contents of your resume says a lot about your age. Age discrimination is a fact of life in...
The Genius Way Coca-Cola Employees Manage Their Email, Plus More Tips
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Forget work/life balance. You can sleep when you die.At least that's how Snapchat's Emily White and Coca Cola's Wendy Clark said...
Job Oppourtunities
Awais Akram Butt
Looking for professional for following positions:NSM Lahore basedRSM at Lahore, Rwp, Peshawar, Multan, Sukkur & KarachiZSM at...
Facts about Muslims
Navid Khiabani
Islam is not a religion, nor is it a cult. In its fullest form, it is a complete, total, 100% system of rebellions and...
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